Now, we get centered and put the magnifying glass up to self-inventory in order to seek clarity.
Answer the prompts below for clarity and self-discovery.
i. How have you expanded this past month? Intentionally or the natural unfolding of the work you’ve been doing?
ii. With expansion can come a fear to be seen as this new, upgraded self or a fear of fully owning it. Do you need to own and integrate any shadow around your expansion, so you can project it fully? If you answered “yes” to this, please write it down on the page in your journal and take it through the Shadow & Inner Child Integration D.I. within the Daily Reprogramming Exercise at least twice over these next 28 days.
iii. What is one fear that scares the shit out of you? Write one action step you can take over the next 28 days to face it and walk through it.
iv. What are two pings that you received over the past 28 days? Write two action steps you are going to take in following them to allow more flow and pings to come through. Write these action steps down in your journal.