A full moon illuminates everything in your life that no longer serves you, as well as what is ready to transition and shift for you. That’s why you can really combine the principles of this manifestation work with each 28-day lunar cycle to truly hold yourself accountable and speed this magnetic process up to a rapid pace. To begin, create a page in your journal titled with today’s full moon date. You’ll be adding things to this list through the next two pages.
Journal any clarity you received during your D.I.
Allow the rhythm of this moon to support you, eliminating the big factors that are blocking your most whole, worthy, authentic self through the three tasks below. Take this time to write in a stream of consciousness for three to five minutes for all three of the prompts below.
TESTS • What energetic, physical, or opportunity-based tests are presenting themselves right now?
What are two action steps you can take in passing them in the next 28 days while communicating your highest worth? Add these to the page in your journal.
HELL YES • What is not a “hell yes” in your life right now? Remember, if it’s not a “hell yes, it's a no.” This goes for everything. Energetic, physical, material, relational...
What are two action steps you can to lean into your “hell yes” items and say no to your “hell no’s” in the next 28 days while communicating your highest worth? Add these to the page in your journal.
RESISTANCE • What are you having resistance to in your life right now? Now, deduce whether it’s out of fear or because this subject isn’t in alignment with your worth.
Anything you pinpointed that you are feeling resistant to due to fear is an opportunity for magnetism. Remember that the opposite is always the medicine. Write out two action steps you can take over the next 28 days to step past and face this fear. Add these to the list in your journal.