I love working with the energy one day before, on the day of, or one day after the actual full moon. Depending on what I’m up to in my life, on one of those days or all three, I personally lean into the energy of the moon and see how it’s making me feel. When I’m in nature, I center all three days around this connection. When I’m busy with work in the city, I make it a hour-long affair. It always varies. Realize that there is no right or wrong way to go about delving in and creating your own connection and ritual with the moon. It truly becomes an instinctive thing that is ever-changing.
Here are suggestions of simple energetic imprinting to mark the ritual of this time, but I invite you to create what works for you and leave out what doesn’t. And trust me, I’ve tried it all. I incorporate things back in and drop things off all of the time, but these are my go-to’s that stick.
Altar - If you are someone who loves to have an altar around, I personally love to include all four elements in mine. Water, earth, fire, and air. This could be as simple as a bowl of tap water or rose water, or the color blue for water. You could incorporate earth that you take from outside, sand or earthy colors. Anything from a beeswax candle to the color red could represent fire. And for air, you could use incense or the color white or blue. I personally go for a nature walk on moon days and collect my elements from the earth to place in my altar.
Infusion - I love opening up the pineal gland during this time. I do this by making a special infusion comprised of: 6 Tbls. Gotu Kola (promotes subtle awareness & spiritual enhancement), 6 Tbls. Nettle (nourishing us when we are worn out), 3 Tbls. Blue Lotus (opening the crown chakra), and 3 Tbls. Lavender (calming the chatter of the mind). Place into a large mason jar. Bring water to a boil. Pour over top and allow it to steep for four hours under the full moon. Drink throughout the three-day period in the evenings when you are practicing the rest of this workshop. Lavender can cause sleepiness, so drink when you are home and looking to get into a meditative state before rest.
Epsom & Baking Soda Bath - Run hot water (to your preference). I put 1 pound of magnesium flakes along with 4 Tbls. of aluminum-free baking soda. You are welcome to enhance this bath with anything you’d like in accordance with the energy of the moon. This could be flowers, crystals, flower essence, tinctures, or essential oils. The two ingredients I use are said to help cleanse the aura, so your energy is your own. I absolutely notice a difference.
It is after the first three steps above that I do the work from the next two pages of this workshop: UNFOLD & MAGNIFY. I then return to STEP FIVE below for some moon bathing.
Moon Bathing - It’s just what you imagine: getting naked under the moon. We are comprised of about 65% water, so just as the oceans are affected by the power of the moon, our bodies, hormones and energies can be affected as well. Moonlight is said to capture both the yang, the masculine energy of the sun, and the yin, the feminine energy of the moon. The combination of energies reflected back to us on earth have the potential to create a powerful, yet subtle affect on our systems. Many cultures have attributed moonlight to assisting in balancing chakras.