WELCOME•Every day is an opportunity to use neuroplasticity to reprogram your subconscious mind from low self-worth (blocked) to worthiness (magnetic) by creating new neural pathways.  Below, you’ll find a daily practice. Determine if you have a trigger coming up for you today, a test, or a hard decision. Even on days where we feel like everything is going well, there is usually a small undercurrent of micro-anxiety or worry that we can pinpoint and use as an opportunity to reinforce a neural pathway of worthiness. Follow the instructions below.

FIRST TIME EVER•If this is your first time ever trying these exercises, begin with the DI titled “Magnetic Self.” This will allow you to explore and reconnect with your magnetic self. You only need to do this DI once to discover your magnetic self; however, feel free to revisit whenever you'd like for re-discovery.

DAILY PRACTICE•Use the steps below to decide what’s coming up for you and what course of action you should take. What you pinpoint could be overtly and obviously coming up, or it could be a micro-anxiety; a nagging undercurrent feeling that’s causing you to feel sad, fearful, worried, anxious, low, unhappy, etc.


1• Do the Self-Worth Evaluation to determine what you need to work on.

2• Answer the Journal Prompts to get to the root of the trigger.

3Reprogram. Use the Pinpoint suggestions to decide which Deep Imagining is best to reprogram your trigger.

4• You should be listening to the Deep Imaginings daily, or at least 3-4 times a week minimum.

Self-Worth Evaluation

Hands down, the most important energetic to understand when learning manifestation energetics is the ability to register everything as high self-worth or low self-worth, which high self-worth is literally the "law of attraction." Once you have that distinguished, then you know what you need to work on, what is a test, and what should or should not be holding space in your energetic field.

Take a look at what you’ve pinpointed today that is activating you or causing you micro- or macro-anxiety. Maybe it’s something you’re stressed about or a small or big decision? This is truly applicable for everything in your life. Maybe this isn’t applicable because you’re simply triggered; however, run it through this anyway and see what comes up for you! 

1. Pinpoint if it’s a belief, fear, career anxiety, opportunity, decision, a relationship, your own projection...anything hiding behind the trigger or emotion you’re experiencing.

2. Once you pinpoint the issue, distinguish if it is coming from a place of high self-worth or low self-worth.

Assessing high self-worth vs low self-worth: The worries are always low self-worth. The opposite of those worries are high self-worth and what you are needing to step into. Don’t give it extensive thought. It should be very quick to discern. See the examples below:

  • Fear (low self-worth) or walking through fear (high self-worth)

  • Settling (low self-worth) or jumping off of a cliff (high self-worth)

  • Victim (low self-worth) or seeking empowerment through healing and elevating (high self-worth)

  • Lashing out or blaming others (low self-worth) or taking accountability and shifting (high self-worth)

  • Staying small (low self-worth) or putting yourself out there (high self-worth)

  • Afraid to say “no” or let something go out of fear that a better opportunity won't come (low self-worth) or clearing or letting go knowing  something better will come (high self-worth)

3. Now that you have clarity, if applicable, write down any action steps you need to take in order to be in your highest self-worth. 


i. What emotion is this situation, event or person triggering inside me?

ii. Why is this emotion being triggered? What is it that I feel I am lacking within myself in this situation? (ie. respect, to be seen fully, acceptance, communication, equality, love, affection, safety, to be heard, security, appreciation…)

iii. What is this telling me that I need? (i.e. respect, to be seen fully, acceptance, communication, equality, love, affection, safety, to be heard, security, appreciation…)

iv. Where in my life have I most needed this and from whom? (ie. In childhood, adolescence, early twenties?) 

v. Can I trace this back to a specific memory where this need was very apparent and painful?

vi. Why do I still shrink, settle, and stay small in this area of my life? Keep this answer in mind while you sink into the DI of your choosing at the bottom of the page.


When reprogramming, your objective certainly isn’t to perfect this, or do it the “right” way.

While doing the DRE, it’s easy to fall prey to the tendency to force your subconscious toward a particular conclusion, or lead your mind in a controlled path in what you think is the right way to reprogram a trigger. However, the magic of the DRE is that it is designed to allow you to surrender, to just relax and listen and breathe as the hypnosis takes you under. Releasing the urge to control and letting your subconscious mind wander is the most effective way to sink into this Deep Imagining.

i. Acknowledge the trigger upon dropping in, but don’t force your mind to obsess over it. Set it as the intention, but once you name the trigger, release it to the Deep Imagining.

ii. If it wasn’t a specific trigger, but rather an emotion that snuck its way in,  use the emotion to take you through the DRE. Sometimes, the emotion can arise as a symptom of a trigger we have yet to identify. Don’t make up what could have triggered it, but allow your subconscious to show you as you sink into the DI. Sometimes, the most unexpected insights will come through!

iii. Release all expectations for your experience and just let the hypnosis lead you.

iv. If you’re having a hard time dropping in and releasing control, listen to the vibration of my voice rather than perfection visualization. During the DI, you would focus on the sound of my voice which will take you right out of your head  trying to control and will allow you to submit to being mindful and letting it go where it goes.

v. Take creative licensing to go where you need to go or do what you need to do down there! 


Use this section to help guide you to the Deep Imagining (DI) most applicable to your current situation. If you’re new to this, start with the Magnetic Self DI, then do the suggested DI below based on your trigger.

Did something or someone trigger you today (Did the situation or person cause you to feel jealousy, anger, sadness, pain, comparison, victim…)?
We suggest starting with Subconscious Reintegration or Shadow and Inner Child Integration.

Are you anxious, worried, or fearful about something?
We suggest starting with Reclaiming Authenticity. Use Shadow and Inner Child Integration if this anxiety is stemming from childhood memories, trauma, or any type of programming.

Struggling with a big or small decision, also known as a potential test, that you’re having a hard time listening to your intuition about?
We suggest starting with Magnetic Self and Reclaiming Authenticity. Use the Shadow and Inner Child Integration if your indecision is stemming from programming picked up during childhood.

Are you experiencing a physical trigger and feeling disconnected from your body?
We suggest using the Health and Body and Subconscious Reintegration. Use Magnetic Self to revisit your authenticity.

Financial fear triggered?
We suggest using Reclaiming Authenticity and Shadow and Inner Child Integration.

Do you feel triggered specifically by a parent or caregiver?
We suggest using the Shadow and Inner Child Integration, and Subconscious Reintegration for maintenance.

Are you feeling triggered by the state of your physical health?
We suggest using the Health and Body.


A glimpse of your most authentic self, who you are at your highest state of magnetism. For first-timers or anyone who feels they need to revisit their magnetic self.

A daily dose of magnetism when you’re feeling triggered or overcome with an emotion you can’t shake.

A DI focused on examining and shedding daily triggers to reinstate magnetism.


A DI focused on our mind-body connection and reinforcing physical health.


A DI focused on integrating expansion and prosperity.

A DI focused on reintegrating and reinforcing key magnetic aspects from 0-25


Each time you finish listening to one of the DI’s above, I'd like you to create an action plan with one goal or change you are going to take in your daily life to deepen the integration of the magnetic alternative that you just saw in your DI.

TIPS FOR SINKING DEEPER•If you find yourself not being able to sink in deep enough, or you’re having a hard time with DI’s in general, follow the tips below.

i. Listen with fresh ears and allow new memories, experiences, and people to come forward each time.

ii. You may notice that you’re falling asleep often. This is perfectly normal. I just suggest doing it sitting up in a chair with your eyes covered.

iii. Covering your eyes allows you to go deeper, as will having a nervous system relaxing ritual beforehand like an Epsom salt bath.

iv. Always trust whatever your subconscious is showing you. It will uncover precisely what is meant to be worked on in connection with what is going on for you. If  your subconscious isn’t showing you anything, just sit and breathe through the meditation until it does.

v. Take good care of yourself, for you will be having a lot of emotional (and sometimes physical) release. Epsom salt baths, inward reflection, massage, resting and knowing that everything will eventually pass are all important parts of self-care. Support from a friend, 12-step group, therapist, or spiritual group are helpful when a lot comes up.