The Pathway 1.0
Our Core Workshops (start with these - in order- and revisit often when needed)
How to Manifest →
Increase your magnetism and create the life of your dreams
Unblocked Inner Child →
Release your childhood baggage & restore your confidence
Unblocked Shadow →
Release shame, guilt, and self criticism and integrate your shadow
Daily Reprogramming Exercise →
A daily maintenance tool for the triggers that that try to set you back
Unblocked Full Moon →
Create a grounded full moon ritual and anchor your manifestation practice each month
Supported Class →
Lacy answers your questions in our monthly manifestation class. Submit your questions as they arise.
Love, Money, Boundaries & Rock Bottoms (and more!)
Unblocked Money →
How to increase your net worth and connect with your dream career
Unblocked Love →
Call in the love and relationships you deserve
Uplevel Workshop →
Get out of a rut, rock bottom or take your life to the next level in this 3-in-1 workshop
Unblocked No →
Set boundaries and remove anything no longer serving you
The Roadmaps →
4 downloadable PDFs to guide you through the workshops based on your current magnetic state
Submit Your Testimonials →
Expand others by sharing your success stories!