The Pathway 1.0

Our Core Workshops (start with these - in order- and revisit often when needed)

How to Manifest
Increase your magnetism and create the life of your dreams

Unblocked Inner Child
Release your childhood baggage & restore your confidence

Unblocked Shadow
Release shame, guilt, and self criticism and integrate your shadow

Daily Reprogramming Exercise
A daily maintenance tool for the triggers that that try to set you back

Unblocked Full Moon
Create a grounded full moon ritual and anchor your manifestation practice each month

Supported Class
Lacy answers your questions in our monthly manifestation class. Submit your questions as they arise.

Love, Money, Boundaries & Rock Bottoms (and more!)

Unblocked Money
How to increase your net worth and connect with your dream career

Unblocked Love
Call in the love and relationships you deserve

Uplevel Workshop
Get out of a rut, rock bottom or take your life to the next level in this 3-in-1 workshop

Unblocked No
Set boundaries and remove anything no longer serving you

The Roadmaps
4 downloadable PDFs to guide you through the workshops based on your current magnetic state


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