Welcome to the Elements of Magnetism
Each and every person was born with all four pillars of Magnetism, although through programming, pain, shame, and rejection, some pillars may be stronger/weaker than others. The purpose of these roadmaps are to heighten the elements that need strengthening within you in order to be fully magnetic.
Show up completely, humbly, vulnerably, honestly and confidently, exactly as you uniquely are by leaving the ego dance behind = one element of magnetism.
Own your wholeness, ridding judgement, and insecurity, in order to own your decisions and your authentic course of life = one element of magnetism.
Strengthen your ability to embody the power in any situation, slay your fears, and say no to anything less than what you desire = one element of magnetism.
Expanding your subconscious as wide as needed to realize that you are deserving of everything you are calling into your life = one element of magnetism.