Now you are left with a page in your journal full of the most important action steps you need to take over the next 28 days. Remember that these “actions” are what actually create magnetism in your life. Each one you check off your list will be met with the law of attraction. Understanding the energy under this particular full moon (which you can find on any astrologer’s page), will color the specific energy supporting you in accomplishing these action steps over this next lunar cycle.
I personally like to keep these action steps on my phone under my to-do list as a daily reminder. This assists me in actually accomplishing all of these actions in a full lunar cycle.
BURN • Now, on a fresh piece of paper in your journal, take five minutes to write out everything you’ve beaten yourself up about lately. Tests you didn’t pass, insecurities, so-called failures – everything bringing you down. Once you’ve gotten it all out, light your beeswax candle and burn it. Place the burning paper in a ceramic or glass bowl, so it can burn entirely.
Take your time thanking The Universe for all of its support and all that it is already sending your way, simply because you’ve taken steps toward your whole, worthy, authentic self. You are well on your way to everything you desire. It’s literally at your door.
NEXT • Return to this workshop for the next full moon and each one after. Sending you all of my love as I’m practicing all of these steps today as well.