Vol. 29 • Subconscious Projection

Leave us your feedback in the comments below so that we can continue to tailor these to your exact needs! Let us know how to improve these. This is to support you so I want to make sure that you are getting the support you need. - Love, Lacy

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White lies and ghosting • 00:01:34

Sexual attraction in marriage • 00:07:29

Bridge jobs • 00:10:19

Intimidation and integrating shadow • 00:11:45

Positive thinking vs. reprogramming • 00:13:44

Universe messing up our plans • 00:16:05

Thinking things into existence • 00:18:18

Trusting pings • 00:20:45

Emotionally draining tests • 00:27:15

Staying in faith • 00:28:47

Sexual trauma & friendship • 00:29:55

Calling things in • 00:33:30

Minimizing stress • 00:38:58

Doubting gifts • 00:39:55

Relationship tests • 00:45:14

Underpaying jobs • 00:48:19

Unhappy with manifestations • 00:52:09

Closing Exercise • 00:55:19


On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.



closing exercise

The exercise that I want you guys to go through even though it feels non-conventional is I want you to think of one very tangible thing that you may feel close to, or you want in your life right now. And I want you to write it down, so whatever you're calling in, maybe it's a new job. For the example of the question we had where the person asked for a raise and they were declined it, and their subconscious wasn't in alignment, it wasn't really projecting that they were worthy of it, they were asking for it. Again, that's the big lesson that our words and thoughts mean very little, our subconscious projection means everything. So I want you to get very clear on one thing you're calling in, and then I want you to walk it through. It feels unconventional but it's actually a really good DI for this. The UNBLOCKED Full Moon DI in the Pathway.

I want you to go through that and while you're in that DI, bringing to mind the thing you want, I want you to ask yourself maybe it's at the end if you haven't gotten the clarity within the DI at the very end when it's just the music playing I want you to ask yourself, what in me still doesn't feel worthy of this thing that I want? What in me doesn't feel like I can have? Or maybe I'm afraid of this thing that I want? Or I'm settling. I want you to get very clear on that because that's gonna give you the landscape of if your subconscious projection is truly in alignment with what you're asking for. And whatever comes up for you around that, all the answers take through the daily reprogramming exercise and look at where you need expanders. That's your work for the next two weeks, so again it's getting clear on exactly what you're calling in right now, going through unblocked full moon.

And if you haven't got the clarity during it at the very end with the music, ask yourself, "What about this thing do I still not feel deserving or worthy of? What do I feel scared about? Why don't I feel like I can have it? Or it can happen to me?" When you get that clarity for the next two weeks you're going to take those answers through the daily reprogramming exercise individually, and you're going to look at what still needs expanders. That's your homework and that's where we can start to get our subconscious projection in alignment with our actions. And that's how we start to manifest. So good luck. 

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Lacy Phillips