Vol. 28 • Navigating Relationships

Leave us your feedback in the comments below so that we can continue to tailor these to your exact needs! Let us know how to improve these. This is to support you so I want to make sure that you are getting the support you need. - Love, Lacy

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Adopted and doing reparent • 0:57

Magnetism and dating • 5:25

Learning to trust • 8:09

The shadow of "felon" • 13:03

Balance between surrender and action • 17:10

Authentic codes • 21:03

Being on the right track • 23:56

Triggering friendships • 27:14

Disappointment in parents • 28:46

Casual partnerships • 30:39

Projecting shadow • 34:55

Shadow and authentic code • 36:22

Grief and manifesting • 39:43

Manifesting a partner unlike my husband • 43:04

Surrounded by non-expanders • 44:59

Fear of success • 46:15


On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.



closing exercise

So, I really want to explain, if you are just brand new to the Pathway, I highly, highly, highly recommend that you work all the way through Formula and Magnetism, all the way through Reparent, all the way through Shadow. That's what I call the foundation. When you've gone through the foundation, now, you're at a point where you can start to play with the energy of manifestation.

And so, what I mean by that is you have the total foundation. You've primed your subconscious a lot more than what it was to be magnetic. You understand the formula of how to take the actions to how to actually manifest. Now, what you can do is intuit what you need with where you're at. So, after you've done those, you're in your space now where you can really start to look at, "Whoa, this is showing up in my life. This is triggering my inner child," or "This is triggering shadow." You'll be able to intuit what days were the most powerful from those that you can just go quickly work through.

So. like, let's say, for me, when it came up recently, that I've shared on a Facebook Live was this last Unblock Full Moon that we all do in groups together inside the Pathway, right now, we're trying to hire for the new house manager at the retreat house who can do everything like cook, clean, do all sorts of stuff, and it's been really problematic. And I took a look out, "What about me is blocking this?"

And when I looked at it inside of that Daily Reprogramming Exercise, I was like, "Whoa. Because I grew up in an environment where I had to do everything myself, like I didn't know where my bags are packed to go to another house. My physical needs were taken care of, but nothing about being a little kid and my emotional needs were taken care of.".

So, I had to always take care of myself, and then take care of others to be loved, and all of these different environments. So, when I saw what came up, it was like, "The little girl inside of me doesn't even feel deserving to be supported at all." I have to overcompensate in order to have people who want to do things for me.

And so, I really looked at that, and I was like, "Oh, okay, cool. Now, I know what I need to do." I know I need to take this all the way through Reparent, the whole thing, because it's heavy, and it's big; whereas, if it was just like a little trigger, I wouldn't have done that. I would have just gone to the toddler stage because that's the stage of independence and autonomy. And I knew I had to do some Shadow. I knew I only needed to do that first day of the DI of the Shadow Workshop to really look at her and what she needs.

So, you'll get into this beautiful place where you'll start to be able to intuit with what's coming up, what test comes up to you. In the magic dark, when you're freaking out, where you need to go. And then, if you're still like, "What do I do today?" always the Daily Reprogramming Exercise. I do the Daily Reprogramming Exercise almost every single day. The moment I wake up, on the bio mount, it'll be on. I'll turn it on. And I go right to do one of the deep imaginings, whichever one I need for the day.

So, again, had it the day after that full moon thing, I would have instantly done the Integrate Your Shadow and Reparent Deep Imagining. Most days, I do the health one. So, for you, you'll be able to start navigating intuiting. And once you finish the Formula and Magnetism, Reparent, and Shadow, you can graduate to start to move through that, If you're calling in partnership, you'll know you need to go through Partnership, probably a couple of times if you're somebody who settles a lot or never had a big relationship. Opulence, if you're wanting to work on money. Then, Opulence might take you back through Shadow.

So, really, let those three be foundational. And then, once you graduate from them, start intuiting to go through them all based on what's coming up for you. So, let these next two weeks look at what's coming up and listen to just whatever hit you again. When you're like, "Whoa. This is what I'm being triggered by..." in whatever way, or "This is what test is coming up for me," or "This is why I don't think I'm expanding," go and look at the Pathway, and be like, "What am I drawn to? What do I think will be the most therapeutic right now?" and go do that. It's not going to fail you. There's a reason why you're drawn to it. And the intuitive process is going to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. So, give that a try.

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Lacy Phillips