Vol. 30 • Being Accountable
Leave us your feedback in the comments below so that we can continue to tailor these to your exact needs! Let us know how to improve these. This is to support you so I want to make sure that you are getting the support you need. - Love, Lacy
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Career Path • 00:00:31
Affairs • 00:03:44
Fear of the process • 00:07:06
Magnetism Bank • 00:09:54
Contradicting Authentic Code • 00:11:35
Ancestral Trauma • 00:15:!2
Deep Trauma and Forgiveness • 00:17:06
When the work is easy • 00:20:07
Is it too late? • 00:22:20
Privacy and magnetism • 00:25:03
Magnetic Child • 00:26:21
Exhausted by Empowerment • 00:29:34
Boundaries with your Authentic Code • 00:31:05
Materialism vs. sustainability • 00:33:37
Celebrating Manifestations • 00:38:34
Partner’s needs vs my own • 00:41:45
Closing • 00:44:35
On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.
closing exercise
So, thank you for all of those great questions. They were excellent. Lila and I were starting to go through the questions and we noticed a theme. The thematic yarn through all of this, string through all of these. It looks like a lot of people aren't taking full accountability or looking at their side of the street, right? I won't go through them individually, but a lot of them it looks like how do I fix this outside thing or control this outside thing, when really what needs to happen is... So without me having to explain that further, here's the two-week exercise just to give you a way to channel this energy for two weeks.
Whether this feels good or not, and this actually becomes an incredible practice with manifestation. It really speeds shit up. And also, when you're no longer a victim of anything in your life anymore and you're taking full accountability for every single thing that's showing up in your life, shit happens a lot faster because you get out of your comfort zone of blaming or trying to put worth out on this or like how do I make this quicker? And really, always the answer is to point back at yourself.
So, what I want you to do for two weeks is I want you, every single thing that's just coming up for you, like a time that you have a question about this process, I want you to turn back and go if I take a 100% accountability that this experience or whatever I'm questioning is in my life because I attracted it, and I go from that perspective and take it through the daily re-programming exercise to do either the prosperity or I think the best is the shadow and inner child integration, you will be astounded at how much you will unblock so quickly.
So for instance, let's see here. If the question comes up of like about earthquakes and I had an affair and it led me to leave my marriage, was this earthquake just to get me out of my marriage? If you went to ask this question and instead of asking this question you went what if I just take a 100% accountability that this happened because of me, which I know you know, like the person asking that has full awareness of. But I attracted all of this because of me and I'm going to take through why I attracted these experiences through the daily reprogramming exercise journal prompts and the shadow and inner child integration.
You will come at your answer very quickly of what needs to happen in order for you to attract in the things you want in the future that isn't this experience. So, that's what I really want people to focus on. Every single question that's coming up for you or that you're quandering in your life right now, I want you to just go I'm going to take a 100% accountability that I've attracted this in my life for some reason and I'm going to take it through the daily re-programming exercise to see why. You will speed up this process so quickly.
So, these whole next two weeks are all about accountability, everything. Everything, something that's happening to you or coming through to you or someone's behavior towards you, I want you to go how did I attract this? I'm going to take it through the daily reprogramming exercise and I want to see what happens.
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