Vol. 25 • Am I in My Subconscious Power?
Leave us your feedback in the comments below so that we can continue to tailor these to your exact needs! Let us know how to improve these. This is to support you so I want to make sure that you are getting the support you need. - Love, Lacy
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Triggered by partner • 00:01:41
Money imbalance in partnership • 00:4:00
Unhappy with dream career • 00:06:41
Blocked femininity • 00:08:57
Fear of magnetism • 00:10:00
Expanders that trigger unworthiness • 00:11:34
Magnetism and leadership • 00:14:!6
Can’t uncover childhood blocks • 00:16:46
Detachment in manifestation • 00:20:17
Secrets and magnetism • 00:24:01
Anxiety triggered by work • 00:25:20
Spouse who isn’t into the work • 00:28:16
Embodying Authentic Code • 00:30:37
Partner no longer fulfilling list • 00:31:31
Shifting to caring for yourself • 00:34:06
Ego preventing self-work • 00:35:52
Closing Exercise • 00:37:39
On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.
closing exercise
So what I really want people to do over the next two weeks while you are waiting for the next supported, is I want you to take inventory of anything coming up in your life right now that's making you feel anxious, like you need to chase after it. Like you can't just let go and let it come to you, or like you're not commanding it to you. So examples of this would be if you're in a partnership or dating experience and you're wanting more than they're wanting, or you're waiting for something in career, and you're on pins and needles and you're not speaking your truth because you don't want to make a wave and you want something to come to you.
Anywhere where you are less on the totem pole than the experience that's happening in your life. I want you to survey all of that around you from smallest to largest, even if it's a material item to an interaction you're having or career, relationship, friendships everywhere. Because these are your mirrors that are truly showing you where you feel in your subconscious that you're not equal to them, and your not for lack of a better word ... Energetically the word is cool, collective posed, empowered enough to command it to you. That's where the work needs to be done, because that is the law of attraction, but it has to be on the subconscious. So all that energetic really comes down to is that on a subconscious level, you feel so in your worth that you know if it's not this thing, then another things coming through right away that's so much better. That's where the true self worth magnetism comes through.
So anywhere in your life that you're dancing around, you're on pins and needles, you're needy, you're hesitating, you're not good enough. That's what I want you to take through the daily reprogramming exercise and to focus on right away of how you can get into the place, address the root block that's creating these, of getting back fully into your power knowing if this isn't the one, if this isn't the thing, cool. My next better thing is coming. That's true surrender. That's true law of attraction. So take that, extract out of that what you can based on what's coming up in your life, and take these next two weeks to work on that. And watch what starts to happen. Thank you guys, have a great day.
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