Vol. 24 • Surrendering
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. –Love, Lacy
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Getting back with an ex • 00:00:51
Selling a home to pay off debt • 00:02:10
Worth while on Sabbatical • 00:02:41
Relationships & Family Dynamics •00:04:41
Manifesting self-love • 00:06:22
Emotionally unavailable men • 00:08:28
Worth in manifesting career • 00:11:45
Fear of being beautiful • 00:12:40
Physics • 00:16:37
Partner no longer fitting list • 00:20:07
Magnetic parents • 00:23:36
Expander vs test • 00:25:55
Defining Authentic Code • 00:28:02
Deservingness vs worthiness • 00:32:43
Identifying with Shadow • 00:34:19
Alleviating Guilt • 00:35:55
Making people like me • 00:38:13
Closing Exercise • 00:39:16
On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.
closing exercise
Alright, so I think this is a really cool exercise that everybody can benefit from in the next two weeks. Often, when we start doing this work or we are seekers and we are people who are trying to better our lives at rapid speed to have what we want, it's very simple for us to get very annoyed with the outside world, or to look to the outside world to complete us. This is a really cool exercise, but this does not go for tests in your life or people who are taking up energetic space as narcissists or toxic, not at all. This just goes for circumstances you're physically in and you have to be in right now that don't qualify fully as tests. And a good example of this could be Max and I. So, I love the thought of being able to really learn how to surrender to your exterior circumstances and actually use them as a strength to work on yourself deeper. Therefore, you can be A. more in the moment and B. you can take expectations off of people in your life because technically you can't even manifest for them anyway.
And they're really not holding you back. You are holding yourself back, and they're just mirrors of where you're holding yourself back from. If you take anything exteriorly right now that's sort of triggering you, maybe it’s your partner, maybe a co-worker, maybe your mom, and again not toxic but just everyday things that you have to be around, like your job. Instead of looking at it as something you need to get rid of or something that triggers you and you have to let go of, I actually want you to get in the practice and try it out for two weeks where you surrender and stop controlling. You really allow them to be who they are, empower who they are and hold space for who they are, and take a look at yourself and why whatever they're doing or their expectations or what you're trying to control about them. Then, find out the trigger and the root of why and reprogram that through the daily reprogramming exercise.
So again, this exercise is just looking at all the exterior circumstances outside of you and letting go of the control you feel you need to have. For example, it might be soft energetic control that you're using with your emotions, like "How do I do this? And I want to change that." Letting all that go, to be present, or if it's where you usually nag, letting that all go. Where you usually get frustrated and angry – letting that all go. And instead just letting them be or letting it be what it is, surrendering to it and take that experience through the DRE so you can really let your energetic energy that drains all of us, I think that's why I'm sick, or why I was sick. It’s like survival and trying to control others. Taking that off your plate and actually letting them be and it be. And then doing the work to figure out why you're triggered by it.
So what we're essentially having you practice is being able to get more into the moment and accept what is, while doing the work you can do to be more magnetic to attract what you want.
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