Vol. 23 • On Relationships

A special compilation video of the best questions on relationships from past volumes!

Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

Submit your new questions here!


Ex blocking manifestations • 00:01:04

Mother’s need for validation • 00:04:01

A father that’s unwilling to change • 00:08:22

Dating apps • 00:11:32

How to stop responding to your ex • 00:14:34

Partners that don’t fit your list • 00:17:39

Settling in marriage • 00:21:52

Partner with low self worth • 00:26:40

Unblocked enough for a partner • 00:30:20

The partner you always go back to • 00:33:52

Open relationships 00:37:56

Relationships & past trauma 00:40:47

Compartmentalized relationships •00:44:16

Financial worries • 00:45:42

Losing friendships • 00:51:20

Unequal in relationship • 00:54:59

Lost love & new relationship • 00:58:06

Feeling unseen in friendship • 01:00:24

Closing portals in love • 01:02:15


On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.

Click Below to Listen


closing exercise

We model relationships off of what we’ve picked up from our parents or other relationship models we were around between the ages of 0-14. Often, the patterns we experienced or picked up on will begin to resurface in relationships of our own, whether it’s romantic partnerships, friendships or other familial relationships throughout our lifetime. We can stop the patterning when we are able to find the subconscious root and reprogram it through Deep Imaginings and conscious daily work.

Yet, the first step to rewiring how we attract relationships is to identify where we still find ourselves in low-worth relationships. And, since we’re now in the second week of the Authentic Code Challenge, it’s time to start delegating and detoxing anything that isn’t giving you joy, energy or aligning with your unique Authentic Code (which you can determine within UPLEVEL). Here are a few signs to look out for:

i. Ask yourself: Does this person or group of people lift me up or bring me down? It’s important to go with your first, gut reaction. Catch yourself if you begin to make excuses, ie. “Well, she has a stressful job, so she doesn’t have time to see me.”

ii. Evaluate if your relationship aligns with your Authentic Code. Does the other person recognize your code and value it? Or are you finding that you have to sacrifice elements of your code for your relationship?

iii. Look out for patterns. Are there aspects of your relationship that are causing you frustrations? Have you experienced these frustrations in the past? As mentioned above, we often attract the same pattern and cycle of low-self worth or tests when we have yet to reprogram and integrate what we need to work on. Watching out for these patterns is a powerful tool hinting to where exactly you need to unblock.

For the next two weeks, I want you to journal this out, evaluating any relationships within your life that come to mind. If any are reinforcing low self-worth, begin to find a healthy way to distance yourself from the relationship and create energetic boundaries in a way that best suits you. Also, look at these relationships and see why you continue to call them in. What insight is the Universe trying to give you? Use the Daily Reprogramming Exercise to pinpoint these triggers.

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Lila Seeley