Vol. 22 • Releasing Control & Listening to PINGS

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Building a brand • 00:00:54

Partner doesn’t match list • 00:05:14

Affirmations • 00:10:20

Conscious Parenting • 00:12:45

Manifesting a relationship • 00:18:55

Feeling blocked in the DRE • 00:21:20

Unhappy in marriage and pregnant • 00:26:14

Not wanting to hang with old friends • 00:29:56

Upleveling in a marriage • 00:32:56

Financial dependence in relationship • 00:35:48

Rockbottom vs. Magic Dark • 00:38:09

Effort vs. flow • 00:41:03

Relationships that end badly • 00:46:28

Investors and dependence • 00:49:12


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closing exercise

Okay, we all need to understand how to decipher between when something feels like a ping that's coming through and being communicated to us versus ideas to do something or desiring our control. And how do we really listen to our pings? I think we've done variations on this in the past, but this is a very simple way, which Lila was also expressing.

Until we understand how we receive our intuition, it's very hard to identify what's a ping and what's just our brain telling us to do something. I learned that very early on. I have many ways... One way they happen is it comes down my spine and it tingles, so I'll know it's something bigger than just an idea. I'll be like “oh, I meant to do that. Oh, that's coming.” You know, “that's a pinger, oh, follow that.” That's one of the ways they come through to me.

Another way is I can smell someone and feel it in my stomach, so if it's like a ping to call a person or whatever, I'll smell them and I'll feel a tingle in my stomach. Then, another one is I can feel someone talking over my shoulder and they'll just say something really quick like go to the store. Those are mine, and I think a really important thing we can do for the next two weeks is identify how our intuition comes to us.

I think a really good thing you can do, too, for the next two weeks to speed this up if you have a good memory is to get out a piece of paper and write a timeline of the last 10 years when you had a download that something was supposed to happen or you were supposed to go somewhere right before you were manifesting something. Because even we'll know big manifestations. We keep those in our memory because they're memorable. They're exciting. What were the little downloads that came through and then the most important question is how did they come through? How were you alerted? What senses picked up on it?

I would write a little timeline like this of what you manifested, what download you got right away and how the download came through. You can map that out and then you can really see the clarification between the ways you receive your pings and downloads versus the way our subconscious limbic brain runs, trying to protect us from threats. It's still running from dinosaurs. That's why it's so hard to quiet our thoughts. It's like don't do this or you're going to get hurt. Don't do that or you're going to be broke. That anxiety or that war is either controlling, fear-based or whatever, fill in the blank. You'll start to be able to decipher between the two.

Once you understand your ping process, then the biggest thing I've learned from every psychic I've ever worked with is to always trust it and act on it. Write it down right away when you receive your pings through the senses the way that they come through or the “clairs” that they come through: whether it's clairaudio or clairvoyant.  That's how a lot of mine work. You'll listen and act on it. Even if it's a big thing you need to do way out in the future because you don't have the money, you'll know it's in your journal and it’s something you need to follow.

This will help a lot of you who have questions, like how do I know when to leave this? Or am I forcing this? Am I being too passive in my manifestations? If you are following those pings, which are literally the road map to your manifestation, you're doing it perfectly at that point. That's the process that I think people should really narrow down and ground on, is learning how your psychicness and your intuition come through.

Another practice to do if you’re having trouble discerning even when you're starting to pay attention to patterns – I was second guessing myself. I would kind of think for a second what if I didn't act on this. Immediately, I would be like “Oh now, I have to.”That really helped me kind of figure out whether or not it was a ping or just my own advice.

I think that can be helpful for a lot of people starting out. I've been doing it for so long now I don't know, it's like I'm trying to figure out ways to pattern it, but these are all really great tips to pattern it out. Then, boy will this process get a lot quicker when you listen to those pings, I think. They're so important because that's how we can truly surrender and trust the process.

And please do share how you listen to your PINGS. That's going to help so many people. Literally, if you know you're listening to this and you already know or are discovering yours share in the Facebook group that will help tremendously

Thank you so much and have a good two weeks.

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Lila Seeley