Vol. 21 • The In Between
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy
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Handling money • 00:01:16
Physical manifestation of shadow • 00:02:43
Reprogramming anger • 00:04:18
Partner’s blocks • 00:06:05
Red flags vs healthy compromise • 00:06:56
Universe throwing us bones • 00:10:30
Sustainability x material manifestation • 00:12:10
Financial stress • 00:14:06
Social guilt and regret • 00:15:34
Letting go of a relationship • 00:18:18
Backsliding in manifestation • 00:23:22
Timeline and manifestation • 00:24:45
Triggered by foreign partner • 00: 30:53
Fear of failure • 00:33:22
Manifestation and partnership • 00:35:47
Imagining the future • 00:40:08
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Q&A Booklet
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closing exercise
All right, so many wonderful questions. The exercise I want you guys to do for the next two weeks is a really fun one to get clear on. I think I might have even mentioned a little bit of it in Supported 19. Since many of you are in the in-between phase and we're fresh into the New Year, I want you to get very, very clear on who you are with nothing.
What I want you to do is tonight get quiet. Maybe it's after the DRE. Maybe it's just after a nice bath. You're really relaxed. Your nervous system is relaxed. It's dark out, so you're a little bit more in your feminine and in the internal. I want you to ask yourself this one journal prompt and let anything come. Do not monitor anything that's coming into your head. I want you to just free-form write for pages and pages and pages until you've run out.
I want you to answer this question: If you were on the top of a mountain and you had nothing, no possessions in your life, no title, no job, no description of who you are, you're nothing – what are you then? What are you left with if you've been stripped of all of that? Who are you? I want you to answer whatever comes up and let whatever comes up be a little bit of clarity for you as you're navigating this in-between. Who am I if I've been stripped of every possession and title I've ever known? Who am I? What do I want? What do I like? What do I do? What drives me? Just ask what, what, who, who.
I want you to do that, and you can do it a couple of times throughout these next two weeks. You can do it once, sit with it, start to see how it navigates what's in your life and what you're doing in your life. Does everything resonate in your life with who that version of you is? It's getting to this deeper layer of rooting and anchoring in who you are.
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