Vol. 26 • Action Steps for Clarity

Leave us your feedback in the comments below so that we can continue to tailor these to your exact needs! Let us know how to improve these. This is to support you so I want to make sure that you are getting the support you need. - Love, Lacy

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Toxicity and Partnership • 00:01:00

Social Mindfulness & Business • 00:03:06

Maternal Relationships • 00:06:36

Reading Pings • 00:09:53

Positivity • 00:12:20

Navigating Rock Bottoms • 00:15:21

Contact with Ex's • 00:18:20

Lack Mentality • 00:20:00

Sharing Shame • 00:21:24

Idolizing Expanders • 00:22:41

Self-Sabotage • 00:25:06

Understanding Authentic Code • 00:26:42

Dating a Test • 00:28:43

Judgment Detox • 00:31:56

Inferiority • 00:35:28

Magnetism • 00:36:37


On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.


closing exercise

So for clarity, we all kind of just did a little chat about what are the most actionable steps we can give somebody who is feeling like they are unclear of the process or what's going on or is this a test? How long do I stay in this thing? You know, do I open up this portal or do that? Because what we're really at what the person's really asking is how do I get ultimate clarity and know how to listen to it to decipher that it's my intuition is right. And so we all chatted about doing things to get out of our brain.

So, for instance, Caitlin has to go move her body and do yoga or go work out. Kate goes to nature or she'll do this really cool exercise where she'll call her parents or her her mom and she'll do this old interrogation exercise where she makes her mom ask her a series of just very general questions. Her mom comes up with them like, what color is the sky or whatever? And then we'll slip in the question that's unclear, so that you have to have that gut reaction to it, or another suggestion was to go put yourself in an uncomfortable new environment or go to a new park you don't go to.You know, get out of your routine, get out of your environment so that your brain can turn off a little bit and it can turn on your intuition to give you clarity.

I personally just meditate. I clear my brain. I sit down and I don't have any thoughts, go through it. And then I allow my body or my mind or my intuition to answer. And so that's kind of a more abstract practice that I've been doing for a long time. And then another great suggestion that everybody said is when there's something that, you know, your simmering on and you don't have the clarity to... sometimes you're just not meant to have the clarity yet, and giving yourself that freedom alone will sometimes give you the clarity you need. Like, giving yourself that complete 'let off the hook' of not needing to control and process and intellectualize and answer. Usually letting it go can allow the download to come through. So give one of those a try in the next two weeks, if you are somebody sitting there who's like, 'Hey, I can't find the clarity to this answer to this thing and how to follow this process.' Try that.

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Lila Seeley