Vol. 18 • Lara Elliott, Reiki and Self-Healing
Lara Elliott joins Lacy on this volume of SUPPORTED. She answers your questions about Reiki, starting a business in the wellness world, motherhood and much more!
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Energy Work • 00:16:14
Job Judgements • 00:22:10
Upgrading with Reiki • 00:39:22
Differentiating My Business • 00:46:19
Balancing Business and Family • 00:56:59
Cultural Upbringing • 01:03:35
Birth Journey • 01:10:59
Closing • 01:31:26
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Closing Exercise
Lara is going to walk us through, now, an exercise that can completely open up your full energetic body to move energy around you and ground you. She taught us this Reiki as a practitioner as well, so that the energy can flow a lot more easily.
Yes. This was taught to me I think in my first acupuncture school in New York, so it's related to the meridians of the body. In Chinese medicine, we think of the meridians and this exercise is a really nice way to open those meridians. In the oldest books or texts of Chinese medicine, it says where there's stagnation, there's pain. Where there's a block, there is discomfort. So this is a very simple, beautiful way to open up the physical body and allow some of the ... Not only physical stagnation to move but also emotional, energetic, mental. That's all connected.
So you would stand up and find first a very grounded stance. Usually we have the feet, shoulder width apart and the knees slightly bent. I'm going to face the camera. So the knees slightly bend, just because you feel more grounded, stable and steady. The spine straight but flexible, and the hands can just be on the side of the body. For a moment, close your eyes and just to gather your energy and the focus. Then you begin with your right hand and tap on the left side of the body. I might not talk through all the meridians, but we do have really great meridians here that are related to the gallbladder, the liver channels. They help even moving headaches or feelings of stress, stacked up emotions.
So we're tapping up here, all the way up. I'm tapping round the chest, the breast in women. For many reasons, this is very, very good for the body, helps. We're also tapping over all the lymph nodes here in our underarm region. Then we go down the center here, a little bit more careful and we switch sides and go up here on this side, tap, tap, tap. Here in the armpit, we tap a little stronger because of all the lymph nodes and then tap around. One more time. This is a meridian version and then back. Then we tap down the Yin side of the arms. So the insides of the arms and legs, or the Yin meridians. Then from the Yang meridians, up, upwards.
Here is a very important point that also holds a lot of stress, carrying the weight on your shoulders. You go back down and do it three times, tapping stronger on the Yang. You will feel the areas of tenderness or you might feel, "Oh, this actually feels really nice." This achiness here and you will know the places that you can tap a little stronger. Then you switch the other side, down the Yin channels. Keep breathing, keep holding the stance. Flexible but grounded. So you would want to do this three times, this, I've only done twice and I keep going back here. Then we're moving to the backside of the body and then turn around a little bit. You start very gently with your fist over the kidneys and tap a long the buttocks. If you can go stronger here because we have some cushioning and it's also the Yang meridians.
The Yang are usually excess, so you can go stronger, and then you go down the Yang, up the Yin channels. On the inside will be more tender. Then here, when we're here in this area, we're just going to make a little bit movement to protect this area and you also feel how good this feels to open. We hold a lot of emotions in the hips, a lot of energy, and there's a lot of lymph nodes. So it would be great to open this, and then down. Down the Yang channel, up on the Yin. Again, opening is very beneficial for anything around crampy periods or fertility issues, and also any infections in the intestines. Just for overall movement and balance. One more time and back up.
Now we're moving to the head. We take our hands and just tap from the center of the head, going outwards, tap, tap, tap. A lot of meridians again related to the gallbladder, liver, which hold a lot of emotional tension. Then you massage your ears, kind of go strong here, massaging your ears and then just tapping under your eyes for a moment. Over your eyes, and the eyebrow there below and pinching those a little bit. Tap, tap, tap, tap on the jaw where we hold a lot of anger, frustration. Then just holding, letting your arms fall to side and just feel the energy which is generated in your body. Feeling the energy.
Very likely, your whole body is tingling a little bit because you opened the channels. Then you want to gather the energy, with an inhale, and down the center. Three times, inhale. The Yang from the heavens down, begin from the earth, up. Then gathering the chi energy in the Hara or Dan Tian. Just a few inches below your belly button, your navel. Which is in the Daoist idea, our true center. With a martial artist, derive every action, every word from ... Also, the Daoist. So this is a very simple exercise.
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