Vol. 17 • Harnessing Your Own Intuition

Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series  is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

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Codependency • 00:01:04

A Breakup • 00:03:32

Being seen • 00:07:46

Program Expanders • 00:08:58

Manifestations that fall through • 00:13:23

Ego & money • 00:16:25

Feeling overwhelmed • 00:21:23

In-laws resentment • 00:24:57

Snobbery vs. preference? • 00:28:13

Pings vs. tests • 00:31:15

Income portals • 00:33:03

Going with the flow • 00:36:14

Guilt & inheritance • 00:40:43

Closing • 00:44:42


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Closing Exercise

Okay guys, so a lot of you were asking for affirmation on your own intuition. Most of you kind of already know the answer or what the move is that you should make intuitively. Whether it was from what to do in an AA meeting, what to do around expanders, what to do with my potential yoga privilege– all of these things. You guys already knew what the answer was there and the work you needed to do.

So, I want to touch on that a little. And I want to give everybody a little two-week exercise of how to tap into that a little more. Because our intuition never lies to us; it really doesn't. We're all intuitive. We all source it from different places in human design. But here's the one way that I want everybody to look at intuitive pings or intuitive potential answers to something.

Does it put me in my worth and do I feel deserving or does it put me out of my worth and make me not feel deserving? And that goes for when tests come around.

Lila had a really good example of this. Everybody knows Lila's journey on here. And it's something I need to talk about more on Instagram, the Art of Energetics. Because tests can really appear as an energetic test. It can just be your dance with The Universe; it doesn't have to actually be physical things showing up in your life.

So Lila was explaining to us how she was really deep in her magic dark of manifesting this new famous partner. And she's really in her power and in her flow and then two really decent expanders came around. One kind of had a partner, a girl he had been talking to in Paris. The other one, she was just forcing herself to like. He wasn't the package, but she also just wanted to hang out and and be around people. So all of a sudden things aren't happening anymore. It's like she closed the hose on her magic dark. So it wasn't physical tests totally showing up, because they were around; it was actually her energetic worth levels shifting around what was in her life.

So let me explain that. If she had been like, that dude has someone in Paris, he's not the right fit, it doesn't feel clear and clean and he's not all about me, fuck him, see you later. And the other one wasn't in deep pursuit; he was kind of curious and she was kind of forcing it and instead of admitting, no he's not the fullest either, I'm just doing this to have fun. If she had said fuck it, her magic dark would still be going real strong. But she closed it a little, the hose. And so a really good way to look at that is, was I in my worth and deserving? Both were no, so it closed her hose a little.

Now all she has to do to open her hose back up, is get back into her worth and deserving. So, now she has the clarity around it and now she needs to go tap back into all the things that make her in her worth and deserving. In other words, close the portal on both guys and start doing the things that make her feel super in her worth and deserving. And then when new things pop into her life, she can tap into her intuition when they come around.

If something presents itself as sort of the package, or maybe the whole package, or not, she can figure out , is that in my worth and deserving, or no it isn't. What that looks like is, is it the whole package that makes me feel all the things I want to feel and all the things I asked for? Because if it's yes, it would be in my worth and deserving. If it's kind of not, it's a “no” and it closes the hose on magnetism.

Same things go for pings and tests showing up. Is it in my worth and deserving or isn't it? You can also look at all the things in your life right now that reflect you and look to see, am I in my worth and deserving being in this dynamic or at this thing, or having this in my life? If it's no, get rid of it, because you're closing your magnetic hose.

Your intuition never lies. It will always tell you, and you can tap into it. And if you start to look through that black and white polarity, these answers will come a lot quicker for you.

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Lila Seeley