Vol. 16 • Peripheral Triggers

A special SUPPORTED x EXPANDED Podcast episode with Lacy Phillips.

Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

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Prioritizing Manifestations • 00:03:05

Expanders x Jealousy • 00:06:33

Procrastination • 00:08:53

Memories x Shame • 00:11:!7

Commitment Fear • 00:13:33

Sex & Shadow • 00:16:04

Disappointment • 00:18:53

Specific Expanders • 00:28:33

Income Stream • 00:31:23

DRE & Memory repetition • 00:35:26

Self Sabotage • 00:38:37

Toxic Work Environment • 00:42:00

Closing portals in love • 00:47:07

Abundance • 00:50:00

Protection Mechanisms • 00:52:45

Letting Go of Partners • 00:56:41

Resistance • 00:59:41

Prospective Partners • 01:03:27

DRE x Feelings • 01:04:35

Closing Exercise • 01:06:37


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Q&A Booklet

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Closing Exercise

So now that you guys have heard the episode and you've seen that there's a lot of questions on reprogramming, I want to talk about different types of triggers. There are so many triggers, but one I want to focus on today is peripheral patterning triggers

There is something that wants to come through, so you need to work on that trigger. For me right now, it's being taken advantage of.  The only reason The Universe wants me to be stronger in my worth is because whatever's going to come through requires me to be strong enough and unwavering, so taking advantage of me cannot be an option. That's the only reason why I would be tested with that. Now I'll take that through the DRE reprogramming and I'll get down answering the questions just like you guys to be like, "Why is it showing up? What does this represent?" Guess what? It really comes down to control at the end of the day. When I was working through it, it was like my dad. It had something to do with my dad where my dad was really good at this. He's like a manipulator, it's like his thoughts and ideas or no ideas.

I want you guys to go through patterns that are coming up around you that are triggering you through this daily reprogramming exercise. We have two more weeks of this process, so this is the time to look at patterns because patterns mean something wants to come through.

Do you feel worthy enough that even if you don't act on this, that I will give this to you in a different form, way, shape, or other? How strong is your trust muscle? That's what it's asking me right now. That's a great example if you're having these patterns go on. The universe is asking you, in ratio to the big thing you've been calling in, how worthy are you? Can you hang? Can you be in your power? That's why you need to DRE those patterns. So do that for the next two weeks. Anything that's coming up. I don't care where you're being shorted in a couple of places, where you're being small, really look around.

And then also a great way to look at it in the positive is if a lot of really great things are happening that are very similar like, "I got a free parking spot, somebody brought me a coffee." A beautiful way to use this too is for the positive to be like, "Why are they doing all of this for me right now?" Because that gives us a real marker for what being in our worth is like and then also shows us whatever was leading to that, the projection down below in our subconscious that we find. We know how to step in and harness that more when we're actually having patterns that aren't serving us. That's what we'll leave you with and thank you guys so much for joining us.

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Lila Seeley