Vol. 19 • Internal & External Validation

Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

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worth vs. validation • 00:01:28

spending money • 00:03:52

fear of something new • 00:08:11

ending relationships • 00:09:40

pings • 00:15:!5

unequal friendships • 00:20:02

intuition • 00:26:06

scarcity & money • 00:30:16

expanders • 00:32:00

settling • 00:34:35

manifestations • 00:38:18

near death • 00:42:57

spending money II • 00:46:08

magnetism vs programming • 00:49:05


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Closing Exercise

Okay, so for the next two weeks, I know we just finished off on this whole tangent I just went on in the last question, but I think it's a perfect thing for everybody to do, especially because we're going into the new year. If we can all be super clear on our totally unique authentic archetypes in our subconscious that we present from, then things get a lot easier and you become a lot more magnetic in the sense that people can't take their eyes off of how unique and how integrated you feel. So for the next two weeks, I want everyone to find your totally unique authentic subconscious archetypes. Again, mine are so out there, they're so weird. I identify with 007. I identify with a pioneer woman, which makes a lot of sense in my androgyny, and the way that I'm like fuck anything that society's up to these days. I'm going to make my own way with it, which shows up a lot in my fashion. And then I also identify with French women. I identity with all of those.

With this in mind, I want you to do a journaling exercise to see who are yours. Who are yours? When you're looking at Pinterest or you're thinking “I love that outfit,” “I love this thing,” “I love this energy.” Who? Pick three, two, one, get clear. Three maximum. Pick your three that are your total archetypes. I don't care if it's Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde to a cowboy. Pick whatever yours are. Get very, very clear on them. And then once you're clear on them, I want you for these next two weeks to do the daily reprogramming exercise, since we're all just finishing up the DRE challenge, and you're pretty used to having that schedule now. I want you to pull up any trigger you have with not feeling confident presenting that way.

For example, my family won't get it. I'm a great example. When I go home up to Mariposa, this used to be hard, but I've done so much work and now it's totally fine with me. But really, I would think,  Well my family won't get it that I don't blow dry my hair and I don't do ... You know, I would care about silly things like that. They don't give a shit, and now they only see me as confident, but it was because I was projecting a lack of self-worth. So what I'm wanting you to do is get very clear on who your archetypes are, and then unblock anything where you feel unworthy about presenting that way.

This is going to help so much in the way that you are received in the world. So that's your homework. For two weeks, get very clear on who your archetypes are, and once a day, every day, that something comes up that triggers you, like the last question of shaving the legs, I want you to do your DRE around it. If your archetype is like a French woman, a Victorian French woman, nobody shaved their legs. You would feel very, very sexy in that. So it's like when we have these archetypes to anchor to, and we present with those, we have this thing inside of us that feels very confident and inherently worthy about being them. So this is about totally delayering all the triggers that come up based on current societal molds of presenting that way, so do that and enjoy, and happy holidays!

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Lila Seeley