Vol. 9 • Energy Healing • Mama Medicine
We're elated to welcome energy healer and aura reader Deborah Hanekamp of Mama Medicine to this volume of SUPPORTED
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy
Submit your new questions here!
Aura Colors Explained • 00:01:32
Aura Colors x Chakras • 00:09:50
Aura Photos • 00:11:15
Home base frequency • 00:12:41
Being your own Shaman • 00:14:07
Recovering our Energy • 0017:09
Developing aura reading skills • 00:21:27
Current vs. True States • 00:25:53
Energy Protection • 00:38:08
Connecting with Nature • 00:43:26
Cutting energy cords • 00:45:20
Womb Healing x Manifestation • 00:49:02
Emotional Connections x Clarity • 00:52:00
Dark Energy • 00:55:52
On the go? All questions are read out loud in the audio below under listen and are available to read in a downloadable booklet.
Click Below to Listen
Closing Exercise
As a closing practice, I’d like to offer you this Ritual Bath for the upcoming New Moon.
The sun is so strong right now and because of this strength, it's a time of positive momentum, despite Mercury being in Retrograde. A time to see dreams into reality and embrace our fire. This New Moon in sensitive Leo encourages us to not be afraid to expose the places where we feel the most vulnerable and let the people who love us the most into the depths of our emotional ocean.
Because of all this momentum and the somewhat terrifying feeling of being exposed, we can lose patience with ourselves, the people who love us and, well, The Universe itself. This bath is designed to help us cool down, connect, pause and embrace this very precious moment.
* I made this bath a cold one and even added a couple ice cubes, but set the temperature how you wish*
- spirulina
- sea salt
- cucumber
- farmers market flowers
- green tea
-turquoise, jade crystals
- cleanse aura with a selenite wand (*please don't put selenites or calcites in your bath; it hurts the crystals because they are actually salts*)
- step into bath and dunk head underwater
- listen to Tom Kenyon song of great compassion (found on his website)
- place turquoise on lungs
- breathe deeply into your heart center
- sit and soak in the patience you've created
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