Vol. 10 • Conscious Clarity
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy
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Open Relationships x Manifestation • 00:01:22
Self-Love vs. Fixing What’s Broken • 00:04:10
Getting Money from your Parents • 00:07:37
Expanders That Don’t Have it All • 00:10:47
When Your Tests Get Easier • 00:13:05
Feelings After Reprogramming • 00:16:31
Tests in the Magic Dark • 00:21:10
Relationship Issues x Past • Trauma 00:22:46
Negative Seeds • 00:26:14
The Energy of Being Frugal • 00:31:40
Punishment by the Universe • 00:38:20
Walking Away From Things • 00:41:12
Low Rates in Freelancing • 00:45:34
Uncertainty Around Where to Live • 00:47:50
Logic x Manifestation • 00:51:08
Magnetic Parents • 00:54:01
Closing Exercise • 00:55:15
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Closing Exercise
Thank you guys so much for tuning in to today's Supported. And I want to give you this task to really do the next two weeks. So please do it because actually, it will really speed up how to be your own personal manifestation advisor truthfully. Because the whole process of all of this work, along with Supported, is for you to start to come up with your own craft, for lack of a better word, your own manifestation process that works specific to you with your patterns. And so I really want you to look at all of the jargon. Maybe some of you are really new to manifestation, so this is the newest material you've ever heard. I want you to look at all of the jargon you know through manifestation, and all of your superstitions you practice or know from New Moon rituals, which are totally great and fine, they've been around forever, to anything like “think positive,” or yada ya, anything you've learned around manifestation, my stuff included, and I want you to really sit down and write out every single practice you have as subliminal as it is, to as conscious as it is, even if it's like ... Sometimes people have weird twitches that they do for luck and superstition. I want you to write it all out, every single thing, take inventory of all of it.
I want you to simmer on each one of them, and I want you to look at what's actually worked versus what hasn't actually worked for you. And the way you can track it is you can literally go, "When I've done this, pretty soon after X, Y and Z would materialize, or something really good would come." It lets you start to see your magic, truly, like no matter what, it lets you see your magic. What hasn't proved to benefit you or to make anything materialize, ditch it. Just like we talked about earlier in one of the questions, frugal versus actually clearing space, clear space for stuff to come through for you to watch your own personal patterning of what works versus what doesn't work.
So I really want you to question every single thing. And even if you can't think of it off the top of your head, maybe a great way to approach this is for the next two weeks in your phone or a journal, keep it with you and take note from the silliest superstitions to the more obvious practices you have in place and write them down. And at the end of the two weeks, I want you to evaluate it and look and do that, what's actually worked and materialized and things, versus what hasn't. I mean, I've got so many things that I've done from kundalini. I mean, it's too much, like the bag's too big. And when you really get rid of all of these practices, superstition, you literally clear space in your life. And when you can really hone your craft and see what actually works, that's where you can tighten it and make it work for you faster over and over with ease. So I really want you to practice that. Have a wonderful day.
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