Vol. 11 • Magnetism Inventory
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When ‘bad’ people manifest good things • 00:00:51
Keeping relationships compartmentalized • 00:07:38
Navigating opulence with your marriage • 00:09:07
Time between unblocking & manifestations • 00:15:02
Focusing your triggers • 00:12:18
Approaching magnetic parents in Reparent • 00:20:04
Doubt in the Magic Dark • 00:22:17
When the DI’s aren’t working for you • 00:25:05
Ending a relationship x financial independence • 00:27:35
Sharing your goals with others • 00:33:19
Specificity in manifestation • 00:37:13
Reprogramming x Maintaining Relationships • 00:41:01
Manifesting for your husband • 00:45:11
Closing Exercise • 00:50:01
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Closing Exercise
So many of you got to listen to the question about how do I know how magnetic I am or how to take inventory of that. And so I just want to reiterate here that I would like you to do this. I'd like you to pull out your list that you have of the things you're calling in. And I want you to look in ratio to each of those things. You can do this through the DRE, you can do this through the roadmaps, but take inventory of each of those things. I want you to first look at a subconscious level, if you have blocks surrounding those particular things, so if during the zero to 25 you had imprintation that it's not possible to have those. That's a pipe dream. I mean, whatever the block can be, you're not good enough. You're not pretty enough. You're, you know, whatever your cultural background doesn't support. Like whatever the bullshit is that you've been programmed, that absolutely doesn't have to be true. I want you to look at that and start to work on all of those to get rid of it.
Number two, I want you to look at the expansion in ratio to everything that you're calling in and you know, do I have enough expanders for that? Am I expanded on the subconscious level? and you can do that through the expanded roadmap and really taking inventory and if not, seeing how many expanders you need to call in and seek out. And then number three, I want you to take inventory in ratio to those things you're calling in. Are there any places in your life that you need to do two things? Get rid of anything that's not serving you, that's making you feel small or start to step through any fears that are bringing up complete scarcity if you do it, even if it's small.
So again, I gave earlier that example of, oh, I feel like I'm getting this ping to go to Ojai , but I don't have the money or whatever. Get in your car and go to Ojai. You know what I mean? Something that small, again, that's just a two hour drive from here, so it's small for me. So those are the things I want you to do to really take inventory of where you are magnetically and what you're calling in. Because all three of those components need to be in motion o to actually manifest those things. So for the next two weeks, take that inventory. How magnetic, where can I improve my magnetism and great resources that support that? Again, the roadmaps, the DREs and I mean all the things but those specifically are very, very supportive of this specific exercise.
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