Vol. 8 • Building Strength in The Magic Dark
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Moving away from a partner • 00:02:00
When your memories are blocked • 00:05:33
Student loans x lack mentality • 00:07:32
More on expanders • 00:10:14
Macro manifestations • 00:13:36
An overprotective father • 00:17:36
Approaching the DRE • 00:21:12
When your mind jumps around during DIs • 00:29:02
Unblocked enough for a partner • 00:32:01
Releasing anger • 00:35:40
Expanders from different ethnic backgrounds • 00:39:40
The partner you always go back to • 00:45:13
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Closing Exercise
I want to give you a closing exercise to finish on, because for people who are just having a lot of, like I said at the top of the video, confusion if they're in the magic dark If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to the Formula and Magnetism Workshop that actually teaches you how to manifest, and it's going to tell you that space is right before your big manifestation is supposed to come through. So, I covered at the top how to detect if you're in that space. Now I want to give you a little tool when you are in that space – what to do, so you don't settle.
So what can tend to happen for clients who get into the magic dark and things get so quiet, and they hear crickets, so say you left a job, and your savings is about to run out, and you've been holding out and passing these tests and manifesting this better job, and you won't settle again, for how much you settled financially before. You are going to be tested in this last moment with resources running out if you'll settle for this last job, or if you're going to get squirmy and go back to your job, you know. What's happening here is The Universe is testing you; do you feel 100% worthy of what you're calling in, and you won't settle for less and do you 100% believe that The Universe will provide you with this.
So, when you're in that space, and you're getting squirrelly and it's like, oh shit and oh my god and it's quiet, and you know you haven't really, you don't know what to do. The best thing you can do with this is look at your past patterning. So from small manifestations to big manifestations that have come through, go back and look back and pinpoint what the magic dark looked like specific to you back then, for those manifestations. So it's going to take a moment to sit down and what I want you to do is just make a timeline, through the last ten years and write out, like more prominent manifestations you had, where even if you weren't too familiar with what manifestation was, where you had these kismet experiences of something you really wanted, and it came through.
It felt kind of magical. Write those all out on your timeline, and I want you to take inventory of right before they came through, did you have kind of a magic dark, and if so what were the circumstances surrounding your magic dark. Because we all have our own personal patterning, so for me my magic dark, I'm always re-tested again with one last final test, it's like, “are you sure, are you sure?” For the longest time I'd think, I'm not sure, but then I started to think, oh every time I was sure things would come. So now I'm always sure. So I want you to really look at what that's like for you, so you can get a feeling; it's what will help you create a trust muscle around the magic dark. A feel for about how long your magic dark will be. What you'll experience during your magic dark, it's like your version of mercury retrograde. What does yours look like, you know I'm prosperous during mercury retrograde, what's your patterning? So, that's what you're looking at in that magic dark.
The other tool that I really want to give you and tell you is: people always ask what do I do with this time, because we're so programmed with superstition, to be positive, think positive, you know and none of that matters; it doesn't determine anything in the magic dark. The best thing you can do is be in your power, so whatever that means to you. For me to be in my power, it means going and taking myself to get a massage if I have the means or doing self care, doing things that make me happy. When I had first broken up with my ex, and I knew I would manifest my next person who would be the person, you know my fiance, who I'd get engaged to, I just knew it was coming because I had this down so good. During that time, I was so broke. I mean, he was helping me so much financially and I had no money, nothing and what did I do? I went and partied, I mean I didn't drink really at the time, but I was out with friends, out at barbecues, looking fabulous, enjoying ... I just knew it was like my honeymoon before my thing came through.
So it was kind of like my Leo rising, just really I was like the lion out in the world, so that's what I ask you to do, and if you're not quite there in your trust muscle, just really take in that time to be in your worth and power. What you can even deduce that down to even further energetically, be in your deserving, like, I deserve whatever, I deserve this good time at this barbecue. The more deserving is an even more magnetic energy underneath self worth, and that's not something we can fake, so it has to be stuff that you really feel like, filling your time with stuff that you deserve, to be good. Like you know that you're expanded enough when you deserve this thing, so maybe it's an essential oil you've been wanting to buy, and it's like kind of within your price range, you deserve it. Go and get it. Fill your time with that deserving energy is what you can do. Look at your patterning. Once you have those pieces together, then it's just about writing it out until you build your trust muscle.
And do not settle. If you get a test right now, like there's this other job where you're going to get better bonuses than you had, and all these shiny things show up with it, but you're going to feel as shitty as you did, and you won't want to be in it. It's a no. And at that point if you're not strong enough, and you take it, no big deal, it's not like you fail, you're just going to have to get burned a little bit more in that job, and the next time you're in this position you'll have more strength, and you'll have burnt yourself a little bit more, where you won't settle again. So that's what I want you to do in these two weeks if you are in the magic dark. If you're not in the magic dark, I still want you to do your timeline and have it in your journal for when you are in the magic dark. That you can actually reference it and references those tools I just told you about because when you get there you will be squirrely, I promise you.
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