Saje Wellness Authenticity Q&A
It was so lovely answering everyone's questions at Saje Wellness last weekend! I'm beyond grateful for this community and your amazing questions! Watch the full video below.
And learn more about our Elements of Magnetism Roadmap here:
Journal Prompts
1. Describe your completely authentic self. How did you look, walk, talk?
2. What allowed the authentic you to feel confident, embodied, detached?
3. How did the authentic you interact with strangers with no fears or insecurities?
4. Describe (in detail) the gap between the present you and your authentic self. If you distilled this description down to three things you needed more of when you were young, or a teenager, in order to remain in your confident authentic self, what would those be? For example: complete support, love for exactly who I am from my parents, nurturing my art and introvertedness, freedom and trust...
5. What was your biggest block(s) preventing you from living in utter authenticity, confidence, and without regard to what anyone else thinks (especially your own negative self-talk)?
6. What is the root insecurity or insecurities that trigger pressure and stress –creating the ego dance in your life?
7. When you brought the person you admire forward, what did you desire most from their approval?
Submit your q's to:
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