Vol. 5 • The Archetype Diet with Dana James


We're excited to have Dana James, author of The Archetype Diet, as our guest for this SUPPORTED! Take the quiz here to find out your archetype.

Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

If you do not see your same or similar question below, please send it to supported@tobemagnetic.com!


The Archetypes Explained • 00:01:23

One Change to Make • 00:16:16

Body Image x Childhood Programming • 00:23:56

Weight in Hips & Thighs • 00:30:53

Heartbreak x Weight Gain • 00:33:34

Dream Body x Manifestation • 00:44:58

Stubborn Belly Weight • 00:50:42

Men x Archetypes • 00:51:53


Body Image x Self-Worth • 00:54:05

Archetype Diet x Health Issues • 00:58:13

Body Dysmorphia • 01:03:04

Emotional Eating • 01:09:34

Intermittent Fasting • 01:13:33

Irregular Periods & Facial Hair Growth • 01:16:09

Closing Exercise • 01:21:50


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Q&A Booklet

Now you can download and read on the go. Click below to for a comprehensive booklet of the Q&A's from Volume 5.

Closing Exercise

Lacy: I would love to end on an exercise that people could practice in these next two weeks while they're ordering your book right now, while they're getting started with it. What's something they could put into place right now wherever they're at?

Dana: I would say go onto my website, Dana James, danajames.com. Find out your archetype. There's a quiz there, and it will give you a snapshot of your archetype to know where you are, point one. Then point two, if you are up for it, take a journal and go through the three R reprogramming process, if you're up for it, and that is once you know your archetype, you're going to know a little bit more about those wounds and just write every single one of those memories down about why you potentially created that archetype, why that self-worth was based on that external factor. That in itself is a big piece. By then you'll have the book.

Then, you can go through the rest of it, which is the reinterpretation.

Lacy: Just even that awareness to look at how much is operating for me that isn't necessarily my true, balanced, authentic self.

Dana: That awareness, it's the birth of your transformation, not the only piece. If you're just aware of it, it's only partial. You then need to go through the re-looking at things, releasing.

Lacy: I love that. Well, thank you. I could ask you 10,000 more questions about manifestation, but I just think that this is the perfect amount to chew on and then really get into the book and really start to understand. The spiritual bypass of manifesting the perfect body and visualizing. This actually gives you truly concrete tools of how you can start to reframe and get to a place that's balanced and exactly what suits you.

Dana: Actually on that, you do want to have this vision of your ideal body and to hold it and tap into those feelings, because as you talk about, it's not just that I want to have this ideal body, not just the wish and it's gonna come. That doesn't happen. It's the feeling behind it. With you at your ideal body, what does that feel like? Why does that make a difference to you? Really get into that realm. It could be you walking along the beach in this amazing white bikini, and you can feel the sun on your body, you can feel your feet are in the water.

Lacy: Confident out at dinner. Anything.

Dana: It's fun and beautiful and you feel super sexy and confident. That's what you're going for. It's less so about the body, it's that feeling there.

Really get into that feeling, and allow that to be the driver. Then all you need to know is what's stopping me from getting there. It's all these blocks behind them.

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Lila Seeley