Vol. 4 • Actionable Steps


Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

If you do not see your same or similar question below, please send it to supported@tobemagnetic.com!


I settled for my marriage • 00:03:02

Delaying your NO's • 00:07:50

Raising self-worth • 00:12:47

When is a shadow trait integrated? • 00:16:37

When you can't say no to clients • 00:19:14

Stepping into power x being forced • 00:24:06

Approaching expanders • 00:26:30

I can't recall my DI memories • 00:28:55

Being single for a long time • 00:30:16

 Turning down lowball offers • 00:35:02

Explaining owned aspects of self • 00:36:35

Manifestation x Astrology • 00:40:26

When your tests are unrelated • 00:43:42

Resistance vs. Flow • 00:45:40

My expanders are better than me • 00:48:50

Interior vs. Exterior validation • 00:51:38

Closing • 00:52:33


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Q&A Booklet

Now you can download and read on the go. Click below to for a comprehensive booklet of the Q&A's from Volume 4.

Closing Exercise

This is a practice I want you to take through these weeks, two weeks, whether it's new moon, full moon, I don't care, any moon, waxing moon. I want you to do this because this is such an important process to actually get the magnetism rolling, to get the tests coming to connect with your manifestation and too many people are getting caught up on just the homework, just the reprogramming, so this is what I want you to do. Go ahead and close your eyes now. I just want you to take some breaths and really let things out from the day. Just slowing down your breath a little bit.

Maybe you can even see a waterfall coming over your head and just pouring over your whole body into the earth and washing away, grounding. I want you to let the first three things that come to mind right now that you know you need to do but you're afraid. Make them big but achievable. So if leaving the job's too big, letting the clients go who are taking advantage of you because you have kids, just not those quite yet. Soon. Just the three actionable ones that bring you fear. Now go ahead and wiggle your toes and your fingers and come back.

What I want you to do today is write down those actionable steps you know you need to take that you're afraid of. Maybe just one this cycle, but I want you to bring to mind at least two people in your circle right now, and hopefully it's a manifestation, Magnetic Meetup™ or if it's friends you can really count on who really have it together and care about you or family members. I want you to write them down right now, who those people can be.

After this video, I want you to go and call them. I want you to ask them to be your accountability partner. Someone who can hold you accountable to achieve these one to three things over this next month. I want you to set deadlines together. In two weeks, I'll have done this. In three weeks, I'll have done this one. So what I want them to do is put it on their schedule to reach out to you at that time to hold you accountable. If you haven't, then you need to, to show up for yourself. Leaning past this edge of fear, walking through our fear, that's what can start to create those tests coming through, that magnetism of putting ourselves out there. That's what co-creation means with The Universe. When you're co-creating, you have all elements in place.

You're reprogramming, you're expanding, you're passing tests, and you're doing the physical, actionable things that need to happen. When all of those are in place, that's when you're manifesting. So that's what I want you to do this next two weeks and month and hopefully continue carrying on with that because after you do it one or two or three times and you know you're fine after and you're okay and good stuff does start to come, you'll start to trust the process more and more. But truthfully, pure magnetism is having nothing else to lose, putting yourself first. Being so whole and emotionally peaceful and strong that other things don't have control over you. Does that make sense?

That's what we're all trying to work towards. Again, bringing us back to video one to where we're floating essentially.

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Lila Seeley