Vol. 6 • Creating Momentum & Dissipating Fears


Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you are getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy

If you do not see your same or similar question below, please send it to supported@tobemagnetic.com!


A partner with low self-worth • 00:01:34

Feeling useless at work • 00:05:18

Depression x Doing the work • 00:07:24

Picking up someone else’s shadow • 00:11:32

When your boundaries aren’t respected • 00:14:22

Dreams x Manifestation • 00:18:21

When your expander turns on you • 00:23:46

Sharing your manifestations • 00:28:14

Realizing YOU were the problem • 00:32:26

Writer's Block • 00:35:50

Triggers v. Natural Reactions • 00:38:17

Too generous v. projecting low worth on others • 00:40:48

Closing Exercise • 00:44:54


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Closing Exercise

To sum everything up, I'd like to give you an exercise. I hope by the end of this video everybody's doing the DRE every day, the Daily Reprogramming Exercise. It clearly seemed to be the theme. But, it will actually be helpful with this exercise I'm about to give you. A component of the Daily Reprogramming Exercise is monitoring anything you're being triggered by every day.

When we're triggered, it allows us to look at what's coming up, get to the root of where we picked it up, and reprogram it to reinforce over and over and over again our most magnetic authentic self. That's where the real neuroplasticity magic is happening. It doesn't mean that in order to do what I'm about to tell you, you have to have the Daily Reprogramming Exercise and be doing it. But, that might actually be a really smart crossover to help you pinpoint and have inventory for this exercise.

What I want you guys to focus on for the next two weeks is this practice. Every fear that you are aware of, or that's coming up for you. I don't want you to just sit on it, and let it be. Out of two reasons, out of superstition that you're afraid you'll attract it. That's not going to happen. If you're attracting anything in your life that's bad, it's because of something you imprinted on a subconscious level, that you have low self worth about. Therefore, it's coming to mirror over and over and over again to show you where you need to reprogram so that it stops coming to you. It's actually a gift. So that's one element why people are fearful.

The second is, they don't really get to the bottom, the root of where they picked up this fear, and the worst case scenario. I want you to start facing them, 'cause that's where the real situational magnetism can start to take place. Let's say you start to carry a journal around with you, or you can do it in your phone, where you're taking inventory of fears that have come up for you. Even if you're sitting quiet right now and you're like, "What is one thing I'm fearful of that's preventing me from doing what I need to do?" I want you to write it down.

I'll give you an example. For me, I have a big fear of really cutting back and resting, so I can heal. I have a very big fear about it. I keep feeling like if I don't show up, this company won't show up, or whatever. Thank God for everyone who's helping me in this company, 'cause they do everything way better than I do anyway, so it doesn't really matter. But, it's a subconscious fear that I have.

Once you're clear on this one fear for the day, I want you to write out every worse case scenario that could possibly happen if this fear were to materialize in whatever you're fearing. So, all of your worst case scenarios. For me, what if the company fell apart? I mean, this is never going to happen, but if the company fell apart, then this would happen  ... 'Cause again, what the root probably is at the bottom is, that I'm so broke again like I was when I was little. That's probably the root of the fear.

Then I want to face that fear of like, "So broke again, what does that mean for my life? Does that look differently this time? Is it a zen life where I'm just living in the forest, low means?" But, I want you to get to the bottom, bottom, bottom, bottom worst case scenarios. Then I want you to reframe them into, within that means, the best case scenario. Just like I did there. Let's say my biggest fear is the company will fall apart, and there will be no money. All this stuff, and I'll be as poor as I was when I was little.

What does that look like this time around with everything I know, being that poor? When we start to show our subconscious, an alternative healing to the worse case scenario, it helps reinforce on the conscious level to not continue to loop on that fear of programming. Therefore, when we're making all of these great, new neural pathways of positive loops of our most magnetic self, this is a reinforcement in the conscious state. It's like they're reinforcing at the same time, subconscious, conscious, so it's happening a lot quicker. Plus, it's like we kind of just stumped our subconscious reptilian brain from looping. 'Cause now it's not so scary anymore.

I want you to take all the fears you're superstitious about, where you’re like, "Oh my God, I'll attract it." To the fears that are preventing you from taking your next step. I want you to look at all of them for the next two weeks. This is 14 days. Every single day, you're working with one new fear.

Also, for every single fear, I want you to take three action steps. Three action steps that you can take right now within your financial means, your work circumstances, your life circumstances, and where you live. Three action steps to walk through this fear. Meaning, doing something in spite of the fear within the realm of what you fear. That's what's going to create this new situational magnetism. So, there's two birds you're killing with one stone. You're killing off that loop, and reinforcing this new positive magnetic loop when you're facing your worst case scenario.

Two, with the three action physical steps you're going to make in your life, you're actually creating a magnetic pull to you, of the little manifestations, you're expanded enough to start coming through. Do it, keep us posted. Send us notes, I want to know what you manifest from this. But, do this, do this, do this. It'll be a very, very effective exercise to keep you busy. 

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Lila Seeley