Step One

Meeting Your Shadow

Today’s work isn’t going to require much effort from you. Tomorrow, we will get into more about the shadow, denied aspects of self, and how we reject them. Today, you get to simply kick back and listen to this Deep Imagining to meet and reclaim your shadow. Then you will be asked to take time to journal after.

A NOTE BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: The Shadow workshop will be a workshop you revisit over and over and over again in your manifestation process. For at the root of EVERY block is shame. Experiencing or witnessing shame is what creates a shadow aspect. So once you complete this for the first time, you will continue to revisit the last section every time you recognize your shadow being triggered in your daily life. For if you have shadow pertaining to what you are manifesting, it’s blocked from coming through. Three components play into the energetics of manifestation: unblocking, expanding, passing tests.


Cover your eyes and listen. Very dim lighting can be more impactful for these meditations. Note that you are simply going from a beta state into theta, otherwise known as hypnosis or deep meditation. You needn't worry about static noise or outside noises as you will be fully aware, and once you're in the theta state, your subconscious will take direction, absorbing the information, and creating new neural pathways. I highly encourage you to do these sitting up in a chair in an effort to not fall asleep.

Let go of any ideal of perfection or attempts to control what is coming up. It’s most successful when you allow yourself to relax deeper, without inhibition, and allow anything to present itself organically. Focus on my voice and its vibration, rather than your own thoughts. Simply follow your intuition or “feelings” when nothing is surfacing. It will lead you right where you need to go. It may take a few hours or days for anything you’ve uncovered to show up or present itself. Be patient and consistent with the work and you will uncover blocks.


Take 15 minutes to write about anything that came up or any details that were meaningful during your Deep Imagining. If you have emotions or feel stuck, it's okay. Just breathe into it. Write down the answers that your shadow told you. Then move on to the next four questions below.


i. What am I most afraid of finding out about myself?

ii. What's the biggest, most mortifying lie I've ever told myself?

iii. What's the biggest lie I've ever told anyone else?

iv. What am I most ashamed of in myself. I'd die if anyone found out? 


Take out crayons and draw a picture in your journal of your shadow self. Don't judge your drawing. This is an integration exercise for your subconscious.


“Just posting on here to give a little hope for those that feel like they haven’t manifested anything. I started doing Shadow and putting in the work and after about two weeks, lots of beautiful manifestations are starting to show up! I received a beautifully empowering compliment at work. The study coordinator said that my work is “ideal” which was a huge compliment for me because I’m trying to unblock my shadow and my biggest issues/triggers words are surrounding feeling inadequate, stupid, and not good enough. This really gave me a huge confidence boost! Second, I manifested being a guest writer on my favorite food blog. This was a huge dream of mine but I never felt good enough or worthy enough to put myself out there and give it a go! On top of publishing an article I wrote, they are going to send me a box of FREE bars (kinda like Larabars for all my hard work). On top of THAT, I won at $50 Amazon Gift Card at work today and my boss gave me an expensive pair of pants because they didn’t fit her. She left them sitting on my desk! All of these things I wanted to buy for myself but never felt worthy enough to spend money on myself. Now I finally feel deserving and capable of receiving. After reading Lacy’s post: about feeling like you deserve something and truly believing it, so many things have started to come through. To all these exciting things, my family member replied “Well..someone VERY DESERVING has been blessed with a great day!!..well deserved megs..congratulations…”❤❤❤ The word deserving was a beautiful choice cause that’s exactly what I feel like. I AM deserving and unblocking my shadow which has made me feel undeserving and small for most of my life. Thank you Lacy and all you beautiful manifesters for inspiring me, commenting on others posts, and upholding such a vibrant, positive community on here. Light and love <3”

The two inspirations for these Shadow techniques are: Light Chaser and Owning Your Shadow -  with my exercises incorporated in as well. Because I have clients that are too busy to digest a whole book, or clients that acknowledge that they aren't great self-starters, UNBLOCKED was born in an effort to simplify for my clients the specific work most important to Manifestation in order to remove certain blocks. This is also an offering for those of you that haven't gotten the opportunity to work with me thus far to do the same.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips