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This Shadow workshop does not teach you how to manifest. This course allows you to remove blocks in the way of your manifestation from coming through. To learn Lacy’s manifestation process, you must take How to Manifest workshop.


Welcome to this workshop! I’m so incredibly grateful to have you here, for it means that you have decided to step up and advocate for yourself.  This means you are willing to take a very honest look at ALL aspects of yourself inside of this workshop in order to reclaim any missing ones. You have chosen to no longer allow outside experiences to control you, but rather to step into your wholly integrated, powerful self. This takes time. Be patient. I invite you to revisit this workshop every three-six months or as often as needed to continue peeling more and more blocks standing in the way of you manifestations. Hidden aspects of self are many, and the layers of programming are deep. These tools will be valuable throughout the rest of time.  

This workshop will be administered through written exercises (for deeper cognitive integration) and Deep Imaginings (unique neuroplasticity hypnosis or meditation I’ve created in an effort for you to create new neural pathways and ways of thinking).

Now, I will warn you. During this process, your ego is going to play quite a few tricks on you. Shadow is the embodiment of ego, and ego hates to die. If you are not willing to take a deep look at yourself, if you are not willing to ruthlessly get honest with yourself, then you will give into your ego, and you will not ascend as high as these tools have the ability to take you.

To get the most out of this workshop, I invite you to bridge wherever you are right now (this varies for each of us) to the magical knowing that this work is right and will work for you. Ego (shadow) is going to convince you of the opposite every step of the way, but in this specific circumstance mind really does win over matter. Only you can lean in, only you can buy in, only you can get ruthlessly honest with yourself, and only you can dedicate the sacred daily time to yourself to do the work; therefore, only you can transform yourself. I cannot do it for you. Even if you have done elements of this work before, I implore you to not skip any exercises, for any time that we do things with repetition, they integrate deeper into the subconscious.

I also implore you to be gentle with yourself throughout these next ten days. It will be more emotional for some than others. Self-care is really important. Taking space for yourself, Epsom salt baths, massages, going inward if needed, and rest are great tools if this work gets heavy for you. Also, if difficult emotions arise, seeking outside support is equally suggested. This could include your therapist, a 12-step group, or spiritually evolved friends who can hold proper space for you.


SPACE • We ask you to designate a place where you can be truly alone to create space for this work. For some, that is an altar, a room, a meditation mat, or maybe even a bath. We ask you to prepare this space as a little portal where you won't be interrupted.

TOOLS • The only tools that you'll need to complete this workshop are a journal, pen, and earphones to listen to any Deep Imaginings (DI) that Lacy has recorded.

GLOSSARY • If you come across some of our terminology that you don’t understand, you will find the definition here.

SCHEDULE • The content of this workshop will consist of written exercises and recorded Deep Imaginings. You can work at your own pace. Most days take less than 30 minutes. Though we highly encourage you to revisit every workshop every three months to peel back new layers of blocks as you grow.

QUESTIONS & COMMENTS • Because there are thousands of you on this journey together, Lacy won't be able to respond to your questions and comments. However, please don’t hesitate to submit any questions that are coming up for you to SUPPORTED, her monthly class where she answers them.

TECH • We sometimes get emails regarding trouble logging into the page. Try clearing your cache/cookies, updating your browser, or using another browser, like Google Chrome. If you have any other technical questions simply use the little messaging icon on the bottom right of your screen.

ACCESS • You will access each post by logging into the account you created. Simply click on “Your Account” at the bottom right of the TBM website.

How to Navigate The Rest of the Workshop

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the  ‘NEXT’ post on the right side. That will take you to the next day's content. Or, simply click 'Your Account' at the bottom right corner of the page and select ‘visit’ for the member plan you're trying to access. Then, you will see all of the workshop posts on one page, and you can navigate from there.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips