Day 8 • Reinforcing/Tool
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What tools do I use to stay on track?
If you’ve done my other workshops, you know that reinforcement makes new neural pathways and repetition is where the real change begins to occur. The quickest way to reshaping your brain is to train it and mold it like plastic. The daily reinforcement exercise will allow you to create lasting change and move out of your Rut and onto the Next Level.
How to use the daily rebuilding worth tool:
i. For 60 days straight, do the Rebuild Your Worth DI when you wake up and before you go to bed.
ii. Use the quick subconscious tool as you’re drifting off to deepen the reinforcement. Wonderful before and after naps as well. (explained below under EXERCISE)
iii. Practice self-care daily. This is key to giving yourself patience, kindness, and focus that you need.
iv. Do one thing to reward yourself every single day. This can be something small or large that aligns with your authentic code.
v. Here’s a little cheatsheet of things I love to do when I’m in a rut.
Just as you are drifting off to sleep, right between conscious and unconscious, bring to mind everything you are manifesting. Notice any limiting beliefs that may be coming up as to why you aren’t worthy, deserving, or good enough. See all of those beliefs leaving your body into a balloon to fill the balloon up. Once you’ve placed all of them in there, set the balloon on the ground and pop it. Watching everything flow into the ground and reinforce the following, “this is no longer my story, my story just changed.”