Day 7 • Expanders

How do I truly see and understand that I’m worth it?

If you’ve done some of the other workshops, specifically the How to Manifest workshop, you’re already familiar with the term ‘Expanders.’ If you haven’t, I’ll reiterate it for you. When I used to use the old think positive model, I realized that I could visualize until I was blue in the face and nothing would happen. I did realize, just through simply psychology and neuroscience, that when we recognize that someone already has, inhabits, or is successful in what we desire, especially when they’re on a similar journey, we create space in our subconscious for our manifestations to come through. We literally see to believe that it’s possible for us.

When you’re in a rut, it’s important to find expanders who are successful in at least one your four elements of your authentic code so that you can see to believe that it’s possible to reach those in the way that you want to. Find people who have similar stories and who have had similar ruts as you have.

In your journal, you can literally write a list of your expanders specific to your 4 components of your authentic code. You’ll want to find the people who most clearly resemble everything about you including your ruts, your habits, your economic status, etc.

Take inventory and surround yourself with 8 people that already have what you want and reflect your authentic code. These people must be ahead of you in your success to show you what’s possible.

If you’re someone who is engaging in bad habits and escape tactics, you need to stop surrounding yourself with anyone who mirrors back your current rut, bad habits, or negative programming. Find those who have learned to replace the bad habits with more positive habits.

Use the DI and journal prompts below to identify your expanders. If you don’t have many expanders at first, that’s ok, you simply need to go out and find them on social, media, and in real life.

Cover your eyes, relax, and listen to the DI below to identify your expanders.


Identify all the traits that you admire in your expanders and then find where you have those traits within yourself in your own unique form – to the exact same degree.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter