How to continue this practice until you are completely out of the rut
First, congratulate yourself for making it here! Even for watching this all the way through for the first time. Once you go back through for the second time, be sure to spend extra time congratulating yourself every single day.
Once you do the full workshop all the way through, be sure to revisit any days that you need to and continue to do the reinforcement from Day 8.
Here’s what we learned:
i. You were in a rut because you were far away from your authentic worthy self.
ii. Your rut had a reason and a gift to give you lessons and tools that will contribute to your purpose.
iii. Detoxify and delegate anything that doesn’t align with your authentic code.
iv. Continually rebuild your worth and expand.
v. Pass your tests.
vi. Reinforce your magnetic worthy self.
If you’ve successfully pulled yourself out of your rut, I am so thrilled for you and all of your hard work that you put in! Move onto the Next Level workshop. Revisit this workshop anytime that you need.
For those that have been in a rut for a long time, it may take you a few cycles of truly working through all of these steps before you are completely out of it, and have made lasting change. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall back into a bad habit, just turn these videos on and get right back on track.
For other reinforcement and extra support, I highly recommend doing the Authentic and Integrated Roadmaps, then moving on to the Next Level phase of this workshop.
When things get hard, remember that there is ALWAYS a gift within your ruts, no matter how messy, hard, or long yours may be.