Day 4 • Eliminating

What is keeping you in your rut and taking you away from your authentic code and purpose?

You need to start getting rid of anything in your life that is not aligning with or propelling you toward the 4 elements of your authentic code.

You begin to create magnetism by eliminating bad habits and anything that’s not serving your authentic code and purpose. When you start getting rid of the habits and excess that have been making you settle, that’s the first moment of flow you’ll find by creating magnetism. By doing so, you are communicating to the universe that you are ready to step into your worth and to align with your authentic, whole, worthy self. You begin creating space to allow things to flow back through because you’re only going to be focusing on the four elements of your code.

Are there things you can delegate that don’t feel in alignment with your authentic code? Are there areas of your life that could use a cleanse because they aren’t in your authentic code?

The work you do, the social media you expose yourself to, the busy work – those all need to be delegated out whether that’s paying someone to do it, trading with someone, downloading an affordable app, asking your partner to step in, etc.

Physical items also need to be slimmed down to clear space. If certain clothing, your furniture, anything you have doesn’t align, it needs to go.

Anytime you create that space, it’s simple energetics that something has to fill it.

A good way to know whether or not something is within your authentic code is to ask yourself the questions, “Do I love this? Does this make me feel good? Do I feel good in it? Do I wear it often?”

For a lot of people in ruts, filling time with escape and numbing techniques in the form of bad habits are common coping mechanisms. Whether that’s going out and partying too much, using recreational drugs, watching too much TV, overeating, of whatever it may be. You need to start making changes to shift more onto your authentic path, putting that energy elsewhere. (like exercise) Pivoting out of those bad habits is necessary for getting out of the rut you’re in.

For some of you, I know there are things in your life that aren’t in alignment that you can’t change right this second (but maybe further down the line you can). Like your job, the house you live in, or your relationship. That’s OK, for these things are helping you with lessons that will play into your authenticity, as you’ll discover in the exercise below.


i. In what areas of your life are you living for other people instead of for yourself and your code? Or to be accepted and admired? Or because it’s all you’ve ever known? All of these must go.

ii. What are you letting seep into your subconscious through news media, social media, or by peers that aren’t truly in alignment with your beliefs and authenticity?

iii. What are you unable to let go of right now due to survival needs? List those things out and list at least 10 reasons how this particular job, home, etc. are giving you the tools, lessons, and gifts to help you excel in your authentic purpose.

iv. List your exit strategy for how you will let them go in the future when you are able.

v. Get to the root of why you are engaging in bad habits that don’t align. Is it to escape? To be seen? To get love, attention, validation; etc. Then list 4 positive habits in alignment with your authentic code that will give you the same benefits and help you into your purpose quicker.

vi. What’s your strategy for how you will begin to replace the old habits with the new habits each day? How can you set yourself up for success with this daily?

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter