Day 3 • The Silver Lining
What has the silver-lining of this rut been?
Now that you’ve identified your authentic code, it’s important to find the silver lining of why you’re in this experience. We need to dig deeper to find the gifts/lessons of why you’ve been in this rut that are going to contribute to the success of your life in all areas. Whether that be in your career, your romantic relationships, friendships, self-worth, or your service to the world.
It’s important to take your rut back to childhood to see when it actually began. Was it learned? Was it inherited? Was it a result of pain and shame? Have you been in this rut before? Who modeled it to you? The Universe is going to keep you in the rut as long as it takes you to learn the lesson. I strongly suggest UNBLOCKED Inner Child to get to the root of your childhood.
We’re going to go through the below exercise to find the silver lining so we can determine what you need to learn from it.
Nothing is ever bad. It is simply a gift that is guiding you deeper into your authentic code and purpose while giving you tools and life experiences to make you extraordinary in your purpose.
i. List the worst things about your life right now from smallest to largest.
ii. Now list 10 things about each thing you listed that are actually a lesson, tool, or a gift.
iii. List 20 benefits, lessons, tools, or gifts that you’ve received from the particular rut you’re taking through this workshop. General benefits that are directly related to strengthening or mastering your authentic code and purpose.
iv. When was the first time that you experienced this rut or these feelings of pain, standstill, or slow momentum? Did you inherit them? Did any of your caretakers experience these and model them to you when you were growing up?
v. If so, how you can you break the cycle for good? UNBLOCKED Inner Child can be very helpful for this.
Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.
*Exercise loosely adapted from The Values Factor, which I highly recommend everyone reading.