Day 5 • Tests
Why do bad things keep happening?
I know we’ve all asked this question at one point or another. When the waves don’t stop crashing over you and you’re feeling punished – over and over and over. What’s happening here is that the Universe is actually testing you to see if you will resort back to your old bad habits and low self-worth behavior or if you’re finally going to take the call to adventure by taking the steps needed to reconnect with your authentic whole and worthy self.
Now that you’re moving onto your authentic path, you’re creating momentum and the tests will start to come. The tests that come through in a rut are both very big and very exciting.
The longer you’re in the rut, the lower your self-worth, the more you will be tested and the bigger the tests will be. These tests can come up anywhere and in the form of opportunity, set-backs, negative self-talk, or slipping back into old habits. The more that you do the work and take the actions to continue eliminating your bad habits and grow your self-worth, the smaller the tests will become, and the quicker you will move into your flow.
The more you step into your worth and speed up in this process, especially if you tag-team it with Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow, the tests are going to get smaller and less will come. The exercise on this page will also help you to move to that place will less tests and more flow.
Here are a couple examples of tests:
i. You’re invited to engage in your bad habits again
ii. Suitors, opportunities, or community that aren’t up to par with what you are manifesting and with your authentic worth. You’re being tested to see if you’ll settle beneath your worth.
I want you to start writing out every test that you face and note what the opportunity is. Does this particular energy or pattern put you in your worth or out of it? Does it make you have low self-worth or high self-worth? Always choose the path that leads to high self-worth. If it’s out of your worth, it’s a note. It’s a very quick and easy way to pass your tests.
DEMYSTIFY • Bad karma isn’t hitting you. You aren’t being punished. You are actually being tested because magnetism wants to flow through and manifestations are orbiting around you.
Until you find clarity
i. How are tests showing up in your life?
ii. Are you being lured into escaping through vices?
iii. Are you finding old low self-worth opportunities presenting themselves so that you feel loved, safe, secure?
iv. Have new opportunities presented themselves that feel too good to be true?
v. Or have new opportunities presented themselves that “feel” like old patterns that failed you in the past?
vi. Old negative self talk trying to hold you back from getting on your authentic code and path?
Here’s a great cheatsheet that will help you feel into what may be a test or not. When you feel a test presenting itself and you’re unclear whether or not it’s a test, simply ask yourself this question: “If I say yes to this, do I feel high self-worth or low self-worth?” You’ll quickly get your answer. It’s simple, if you answer in the form of low self-worth, it’s time to say no, turn down the test, and do the work to get into high self-worth. Here are clear examples below that show how easy it is:
Fear (low self-worth) walking through fear (high self-worth).
Settling (low self-worth) jumping off of a cliff (high self-worth).
Victim (low self-worth) seeking empowerment through healing and elevating (high self-worth).
Lashing out or blaming others (low self-worth) taking accountability and shifting (high self-worth).
Staying small (low self-worth) putting yourself out there (high self-worth).
Afraid to say no or let something go out of fear that a better opportunity won't come (low self-worth) clearing or letting go knowing a better will come (high self-worth).
For any clarity you’ve received in way of tests, write five actions steps you can take to pass them and align with your worth and authentic code.