Day 7 • Expanders
Who has been through this before and prospered?
If you’ve done my other workshops, you know that in order to increase your self-worth and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, to create space for your manifestations to come through, you need Expanders. You need to ‘see to believe’ to show your subconscious what’s possible for you and to create space for your big manifestation to come through.
You need to find people (Expanders) that have achieved what you want to achieve. Your Expanders should be in the field of what you’re needing right now or they’ve secured the thing that you want to secure. It’s important to find people who may have gone through something similar to what you’re going through, so that you can learn from how they navigated – whether positively or negatively.
When you’re working through a Rock Bottom, your expanders need to be very specific. You need a few of different types of expanders:
i. You need an expanders who is a total expert in the subject of the Rock Bottom you’re going through. Meaning that they totally understand everything about this type of Rock Bottom, showing you that you can educate yourself deeper to become a master in this subject.
ii. You’re looking for someone who has been through this Rock Bottom before and then went onto prosper. This is the expander that will really help you to ground down in your worth and your authenticity that you can get through this.
iii. You need expanders who already have the manifestations that you have consciously or unconsciously been calling in as you discovered in the first video.
Start to surround yourself with Expanders that already have the big manifestations that you’ve been consciously or unconsciously asking for. The DI below will help you to identify some of these Expanders. You can find them in your day to day life, on social media, on TV, in books, in movies, or anywhere else.
Cover your eyes, relax, and listen to the DI below to help you identify your expanders.
Identify all of the traits admired in the expanders that presented themselves, then find where you already have those traits within yourself, in your own unique form, to the exact same degree.
List these out and journal them in great detail.