Day 6 • Tests
Is the wave of bad luck going to keep crashing over me?
Today we’re going to talk about tests. Tests are very specific in the Rock Bottom – it’s always going to be your biggest fears and nightmares. The Universe wants to see if it’s going to connect you with the bigger or smaller, conscious or unconscious things you’ve been asking for. It needs to know that you’ve moved to a place where you’ve doubled down on your authentic worth and you’re going to ground into being worthy of what you want.
Maybe you grew up in poverty and you’re always afraid your savings will run out or you’ll get hit with debt from the IRS – you’re going to be tested on that. If it’s love, you’re going to be tested with ex’s that pop up for you. If it’s your business failing, you may have tests pop up of too good to be true shiny investors. Maybe bad habits that you need to stop engaging in might pop up. All of these are examples of tests that the Universe could be throwing at you to see what you’ll do. Will you settle? Will you react? Will you take your ex back? Will you go back into unhealthy patterns? Your actions convey your sense of worthiness. When you turn these things down, you need to communicate with your actions, not just your words.
The Universe will test you with all of your biggest nightmares, all of your biggest triggers, and all of your biggest fears. It’s because these are the things that could potentially take away all of your sense of identity and worth. The universe loves using the things that scare you the most because they are the only things that will usually get you to change and do the work needed.
A test can be energetic, emotional, a certain person, opportunities that arise (or don’t when you thought they would), or things that appear to no longer serve you! All of these things will come up to see if you can hold a stronger nervous system of worth.
Here’s an analogy:
You’re a surfer and you’re manifesting a massive wave that puts you on the front of your favorite surfer magazine. You get out there and you’re crashed with the craziest wave hitting you, and you hit the coral and all of your strength and security is taken away from you. You’re then hit with wave after wave and you’re wondering if you’re going to drown and if it will ever let up. All the Universe is asking you to do is sink to the bottom, ground in, hold your breath, be in peace, be in grace. Once that wave passes over you’re going to pop up and find the next big wave you’ve been asking for.
Since you were small, what have been your biggest shadows and your biggest fears? Look at that because most likely you’ll be tested in these areas.
The bottom line is that you will be tested with your biggest fears. The Universe is going to test you over and over and you need to keep choosing high self-worth. In order to pass tests, let verbal be second and let your actions lead. You learn all about this in Unblocked No. (which you already have access to from buying this workshop)
Here’s a great cheatsheet that will help you feel into what may be a test or not. When you feel a test presenting itself and you’re unclear whether or not it’s a test, simply ask yourself this question: “If I say yes to this, do I feel high self-worth or low self-worth?” You’ll quickly get your answer. It’s simple, if you answer in the form of low self-worth, it’s time to say no, turn down the test, and do the work to get into high self-worth. Here are clear examples below that show how easy it is:
Fear (low self-worth) walking through fear (high self-worth).
Settling (low self-worth) jumping off of a cliff (high self-worth).
Victim (low self-worth) seeking empowerment through healing and elevating (high self-worth).
Lashing out or blaming others (low self-worth) taking accountability and shifting (high self-worth).
Staying small (low self-worth) putting yourself out there (high self-worth).
Afraid to say no or let something go out of fear that a better opportunity won't come (low self-worth) clearing or letting go knowing a better will come (high self-worth).