Day 5 • Forgiveness
This might be a tough topic for some of you, depending on what the Rock Bottom is that you’re facing. But in order to clear energetic space, we need to forgive those that have seemingly wronged us, starting with ourselves and moving outward to others. Forgiveness isn’t something we can force or hurry up, it’s a process that goes in cycles and layers.
In manifestation energetics, it’s important to remember that no one is your friend and no one is your enemy. Everyone is simply your mirror and teacher helping you to more quickly arrive at your whole authentic worth and purpose. That removes the ego from a lot of situations you may be facing and things you may be feeling right now. That should help put the foot forward in the forgiveness process.
Having forgiveness toward someone or toward a situation simply means acceptance and peace – and like we learned yesterday, grace. Don’t take more than you need when you leave, be generous on the way out. If it’s a Rock Bottom with finances, don’t be afraid of your finances and give a dollar to the homeless person. Find your grace and flow again without holding on to all of the anger, resentment or any constriction.
The most important part of the forgiveness process is to feel your feelings fully. That speeds up forgiveness so much faster than hanging on and resenting. Whenever my triggers come up, I just pause, remove the thoughts from my mind so that my mind can’t intellectualize the experience, and I just feel the feelings fully as if they’re coming through my heart and seeping out. No matter what the feeling is and when it happens, I just allow myself to feel it and not avoid it or suppress it. A great book to help you with this is called Letting Go by David Hawkins.
When you overcome all of the feelings, the pain, and you practice forgiveness, you are strengthening your nervous system to hold more space in being successful, being a leader, being magnetic, and being autonomous. When you let the business partner go, the job, or the love, or the bad habit, it’s about going through your own process and time to forgive them fully.
Forgiveness does not make you week. It allows you to find a deeper strength and true release to call in and make room for the greater things you’ve been wanting. Forgiveness simply means acceptance and peace.
DEMYSTIFY • You can’t spiritual bypass your feelings. It will only create more shadow in your life, giving you more unblocking work to do. You must feel the anger and pain fully to get to a place of acceptance and peace. You must be prepared to do the work – there’s no short cut around it.
The sooner you can truly forgive and move toward grace and peace, the sooner you will move out of your Rock Bottom.
The exercise below will help you in feeling your feelings fully and sitting with your pain.
What’s the gift? List out the 15 gifts that going through this rock bottom is giving you in this very moment. These are forcing you to grow your worth and align with your manifestation quicker.
Close your eyes, calm your thoughts and bring to mind yourself or those you are wanting to forgive. Take a moment to place them in a pink bubble wrapping them up in your forgiveness. See the bubble peacefully drifting far away from you until you can no longer see it. Allow your mind it to go where ever it needs to go from there, keeping forgiveness in your heart.