Day 3 • Grace

How should I energetically behave during this time?

Today is about finding your grace amongst all of the shame, pain, and devastation you may be facing – it’s is an energetic.

Many people in a Rock Bottom can be very triggered to react and be very reactive. Your job is to not be reactive and essentially “eat shit with grace.” By doing this, you’re learning how to be a pacifist. Sitting back and letting it all unfold the way it’s supposed to allows you to take your power back. To find true grace, you must become a pacifist in your worth.

When we have to sit in that new level of pain and threshold while not trying to present as if everything is great in the world, we’re learning a whole new level of grace and strength that’s going to make us so much more magnetic because certain things won’t tigger or affect us anymore. It’s not about being steel and strong, it’s about being so worthy and authentic that we aren’t reactionary to the things around us.

Whether that’s you going and telling off the boss, drunk texting your ex, whatever the drama is, it stops right now because you’re growing your worth sitting in your threshold of pain and getting very strong to allow any manifestation to come through. It’s not about being taken advantage of – you still need to have boundaries. It’s about sitting with grace and allowing The Universe to be your partner.

What you need to do is start finding your grace Expanders in movies, songs, in your friendships, your family, or in leaders that you admire. The most noble who display grace in their day to day. The people who don’t react to instigation, those who lead with pacifism. They seem like they’re glowing with worth and with confidence in who they are and what they’re doing.

i. My Stepdad growing up (pre his next marriage), when he asked me if he could leave my mom because of her addictions and marital issues, I said yes and that he deserved to. And he left with so much grace and kindness. He stayed in his integrity and sat in his pain even when others were stooping low.

ii. Barack Obama, even when everyone is dishing everything at him, regardless of any political identity you may have. He knew how to communicate with grace. He would not rise to the occasion as for example, Trump. He’s very reactionary and really cares about everything. Again, I don’t care how you politically identify, this is just an example of how Obama displays grace in controversy.

iii. Sweet Home Alabama, Patrick Dempsey travels from New York and lets his lady go with grace when he sees she’s gone back to her old lover.

Whoever those people may be for you. These people for me display avoiding reacting, seeking validation, or instigating others.

By finding grace through becoming less reactionary or less needing to fit in with the status quo, you are learning a new level of pure strength that you didn’t know you even had. It fills your life’s purpose in a grander way.

So find your grace, take the road less traveled, and be a queen or king. The exercise below will help you to work through this.


i. List out your Grace expanders for your Rock Bottom.

ii. List the ways in the past where you might have sought out instant validation. Like drunk texting, reactionary emails or responses, moments you blamed everyone else, etc.

iii. Now list the steps you can take to do the opposite, and the five steps you will take when you feel reactionary. Stop, breathe, go on a run, meditate, do fists of anger kundalini, and sit with it in grace.

iv. List your grace expanders who have directly gone through the exact Rock Bottom that you are going through and then went on to build the successful life that they desired. If they don’t come to mind, go and find them in movies, social media, ask people in your life, etc.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter