Day 1 • Accountability
Why is this happening? Am I a bad and unworthy person?
The first lesson to understand is that the Universe doesn’t punish you – whatsoever. That’s just a superstition that needs to be broken in order to come out of your Rock Bottom and accept the gifts the Universe is trying to send you.
DEMYSTIFY • You did not attract this because you were in a negative “vibration.” If there’s one thing you take away from this experience, it’s to lose all of your superstitions attached to “If I think negatively, this is going to happen.” Or if you do something bad or shameful, you’re going to attract more bad. This process is not about the positive thought rhetoric. It’s based on where your self-worth is in relation to what you’re calling in.
If you’re facing a Rock Bottom, the Universe is forcing you to receive something you’ve been asking for, but you needed a push to get it. You’re being called to the next level more quickly to connect with your manifestation(s) because it’s ready and orbiting around you. The Universe wants you to double down in your authenticity and step into your worth.
Whether your Rock Bottom is a heartbreak, you were fired from your job, kicked out of your house, your friend broke up with you, you’re being publicly shamed, or you’re in a financial rock bottom, what’s the gift that is going to play into your success? What’s trying to come through?
The first step in navigating your rock bottom is recognizing your Rock Bottom as a lesson that’s truly a gift; therefore. You need to ask yourself questions like, “Why am I meant to learn this lesson?” “Why is this showing up for me that will benefit me on my authentic successful path?” What are you calling in either consciously or unconsciously? The journaling exercise will help you get to the root of which manifestation is forcing you into your Rock Bottom.
i. What big manifestation(s) have you been asking for? A deep love, a big career move, a promotion, a lot of money, etc.? Think back over the last four years and list those out.
ii. Are each of your manifestations believable that you’d be able to receive them within 6-9 months? Cross off the things you listed that aren’t believable.
iii. Whatever you’re left with points to the reason why your Rock Bottom is happening. Remember this for the end of the workshop.