Welcome to The Rock Bottom
A Rock Bottom is when the Universe earthquakes you into your authentic worth more quickly than you’d like, in order to connect with a manifestation that you’ve been calling through. You’ve been earthquaked out of everything that feels secure. It’s like having a huge rug pulled out from under you or you’re being pushed out of the nest.
Your Rock Bottom could look like a massive heartbreak, getting fired from your job, an unforeseen financial bottom, shaming, bullying, or anything that feels like you’re getting hit over the head by a 2-by-4 out of nowhere. You feel like all of your worth and security has been taken from you and you don’t know how you’ll ever get back on your feet again. They can last as long as it takes for you to energetically navigate by expanding quickly and upping your worth to connect with what you want.
Here are some examples of rock bottoms that I’ve personally been through, and the gifts that came from them:
My most devastating heartbreak led me to manifesting a lead role in a film, which further led me to develop my spiritual practice, which then led me to do this work.
My biggest financial low at Christmas one year forced me to put this work into the world. Now I’m the highest earner in my family.
All of my one-on-one clients took a vacation and weren’t booking, which led me to create the workshops to put manifestation work out into the world
Getting fired from my low self-worth job and having very little to live on birthed this blog
The first thing that’s important to know in these situations is that the Universe never punishes us. The only reason why we’d be lucky enough to receive a rock bottom is because we’ve been consciously or unconsciously calling in something big that we want and we aren’t growing our worth quickly enough to align with it. Essentially – this is the universe helping us.
Rock Bottoms can be instant and last anywhere from 4 weeks to 4 months – or even longer. They’re a little bit quicker and more devastating than the rut. If you don’t navigate it quickly, you could then slide into the Rut. If you navigate the energetics very quickly with a lot of trust, you can move into the Next Level more quickly. The goal is to navigate these lows so that they only last a few weeks to a couple of months before you start manifesting big things you’ve been asking for.
The more Rock Bottoms you go through that then align you with what you want, your trust muscle within this process will get stronger and stronger.
I know things feel very devastating right now and might feel very grim, this is the time where the world is your oyster and it’s all an illusion. You can have anything you want on the planet right now. The key is trust.
How to Navigate This Workshop
You’ll watch each of the videos a total of 3 times:
1- Watch all the videos to get a better understanding of The Rock Bottom.
2 - Work through it day by day – moving on only once you’ve completed the previous day.
3- Rewatch to spend extra time on the days that need deepening until you’re out of the rock bottom, then move on to NEXT LEVEL.