Saying No


It's time to say no to the things keeping you small.

These five days should have brought you some pretty condensed clarity of the things you need to start saying NO to. You’ve learned that you can say it in three different ways (verbal, actions, or energetics). Your intuition should have a pretty clear understanding of which type of NO to use for each block on your list. Some need all three uses of no, while others just one or two. Some require you to distance yourself (actions) while you work on yourself (energetics). Some require a deep and honest conversation (verbal) while another simply energetics. Another might be a hard goodbye (actions). Some may be a looooong goodbye (actions) while you shift your beliefs (energetics).

Whatever the course of action you take for each, know that from this point on, you must say NO to anything that isn’t feeling good. You must dig and find out the root as to why, and you must use your energy to firmly accept nothing less than what you are worth! Then reap the benefits of situational or longevity magnetism! 

Next Steps

INNER CHILD • If you detected blocks stemming from your childhood, it's time to rework them here.

SHADOW • If you've found that there are areas of low self-worth in from which you're hiding, it's time to work those here.

DRE • Use the Daily Reprogramming Exercises at least 3x a week to work through triggers and blocks that come up on a day to day basis. Find it here.

SUPPORTED • Submit any questions that come up for you here.


Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips