Welcome to Next Level
Next Level is when you’re in flow and manifesting consistently, but you’re ready to take it to a step higher. If you’re not in flow or manifesting consistently, you’ll want to be sure visit The Formula & Magnetism workshop to learn exactly how to manifest.
At this point, you’re close to your authenticity but now you’re working on getting crystal clear on leading with that authenticity and commanding deservingness for it. You feel worthy of everything you want to manifest, but do you feel truly deserving of it? What determines how quickly it takes to get to the next level is how quickly one can go from worth to deservingness while expanding and strengthening their nervous system to hold all that is to come.
You must also accept that you are a chosen one. We are all chosen ones, deserving of whatever our authentic core essence desires to manifest on the physical plane. It’s time to start owning it.
Lastly, take a look at the Energetic Glass Ceilings you uncover throughout the workshop. Energetic Glass Ceilings are created in our subconscious by any pain or shame we have experienced throughout childhood, from not being expanded enough to truly see and believe that what we want is possible. UNBLOCKED Shadow and the DRE can assist in examining what Energetic Glass Ceilings you might have and work to bust out of them.
Navigating the workshop
I suggest that you watch all of the videos first to understand the energetics of the work you’re about to embark upon. Once you have done so, go back through the days one-by-one. Don’t move on to the next day until you have completed the actual work of the day. Once you have completed each day, thoroughly, go back through the workshop, focusing only on the days that you feel you need to revisit. Ie. Are you still not expanded enough? Go back through Fragment Expanders until you have found yours.
And, enjoy! The process is a gift and once you have aligned with your absolute deservingness and authentic code, you will begin to call in bigger manifestations than you ever imagined!
Let’s get started!