Day 1 • Deservingness

How to go to the Next Level?

The key to moving from simply feeling worthy and calling in your manifestations, to the Next Level where things flow and come in so quickly, is to switch that worth with deservingness.

If you’re starting this Next Level workshop, chances are that you’re a person who’s already in your subconscious worth, but you’re needing to feel more deeply deserving of what you’re calling in. The energetics of deservingness over worth are a faster and stronger pull, which allows your manifestation to arrive MUCH more quickly than if you simply just feel worthy of it.

Start by listing out the next things you want to call in. Make sure these are things from your core essence, they’re realistic within a 6-9 month timeframe, and they’re believable for you.

It’s okay to want what you want – and it’s mandatory to deserve what you want. What societal programming have you picked up to make you feel guilty, unworthy, or like you’re asking too much? This workshop will teach you to command subconscious deservingness and find the fragment blocks that are standing in your way.

We’ll start by beginning to get specific on what you want to call in. These will be your Next Level subjects.

Fine-tuning our manifestations

Common manifestation information circling on the market can focus far too much on macro intentions. I often have to recalibrate my clients’ thinking around this so that their focus is centered around micro intentions. There are two rules:

i. Six Months A macro intention(s) is something like a five-year plan. It's beautiful and powerful to be lucky enough to be clear on what that is, however, keeping your focus on that massive ball that's quite far away will get you in trouble when it comes to manifestation. Therefore, it’s imperative to call in subjects that you can believably receive within the next six to nine months.

ii. Core Wants & Needs This brings me to the second rule of this notion. You must ask for believable core wants! I’ll sit down with a client that's requesting one thing, and after digging around a little together, I’ll realize that they don’t subconsciously believe they can have it because they haven't expanded into it yet. My Formula surrounding manifestation isn’t thought based, it’s subconscious belief based; you can think about something until you’re blue in the face, but it won’t show up. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding what you’re calling in, you must expand it and UNBLOCK those limits (more on this soon).

Asking from the core is everything. Leave out the fluff. Heart wants or needs are merely the things that you need in order to be happy with the subject you’re manifesting. If it’s a relationship, leave out fluffy stuff. Ask for the things that would in turn be absolute deal breakers if the subject didn’t possess those qualities.

It's time to write the list. This is how you call your subjects in. There are four important components that play into the list:

i. Get Specific For each subject you’re calling in, bullet point core essential wants with exact specificity.  

ii. Core Wants Bullet point the exact elements you know you want, but leave the rest to surprise.

iii. No Ego I'm very lenient on ego. I don't mean to manifest as if you're a monk. A superficial example, but everyone can relate. If you are manifesting a trip to Iceland because it's en vogue and you want your ex to see how well you're doing without them and how cool your life is now - that's ego. However, if you're manifesting a trip to Iceland because you feel genuinely called there and you want to see it before Global Warming takes away from its landscape, that's following the flow. 

iv. Paper & Pen Due to the first processor of our brain being our retina, and that we expand through mirror neurons, it's imperative to write your list out the old fashioned way (not type). 

That's it. There is no superstition, no ceremony needed, and certainly don't waste your time with a vision board. Once you cast your list, the subject is already in motion and going to begin orbiting around you.  

Here’s an example list:


  • $1,400/month, no deposit

  • White walls, hardwood floors, lots of light

  • Echo Park, Venice, or Laurel Canyon

  • Utilities included

  • In the hills

  • Parking

  • Woodsy, greenery around



i. List out why you feel you may not deserve these things

ii. List out the blocks you’ll be unlocking.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter