Day 2 • Authentic Code

What is my authentic code?

Today, we’re going to get crystal clear on our authentic code – our core essence and values that make up who we are and what should be filling all of our time. Then we’ll connect them with what we’re calling in. In order to take things to the Next Level, you need to get super clear on the four pillars of your authentic code that define who you are right now. Then you need to work on refining them.

For Example

The four elements of my Authentic Code are:

  1. Luxury (which also translates to “freedom”)

  2. Being Seen

  3. Legacy

  4. Spirituality & Self-Care

Most importantly do not worry about what you should be answering, or what you feel you should value. Your Authentic Code is unique to you.

Next Level is all about defining your authenticity and expressing it to the fullest. The exercise below will help you to identify your code and then tomorrow, we’ll work on owning it.

ANSWER in your journal

Let’s find your authentic code. Remember, this isn’t about answering with what you should answer in order to be a good, cool, respected, or a loved human. This is about getting ruthlessly honest with yourself and cutting out your non-authentic fluff. List four answers for each question, starting with the most relevant to least. Don’t get caught in your thoughts and don’t get precious with the answers. You will begin to see overlaps and similarities. The four most frequently used are clear indicators of your authentic code.

List four answers for each question with the most relevant to least. Read the full question before responding.

i. What do you spend most of your time and energy on? In your natural habitat when nobody is watching and in your day-to-day? List the top 4.

ii. What do you spend most of your money on? What are you budgeting for? When you think of wanting money, what do you honestly and authentically want to get with it? List the top 4.

iii. What is most organized in your life? From your calendar, to your environment, to your bank, to your social life, list the top 4.

iv. How are you most reliable in your life? To what? To who? When? List the top 4.

v. What do you spend most of your time thinking about? What fills most of your thoughts? What do your racing thoughts go back to most? List the top 4.

vi. What do you visualize most when you’re dreaming about the future? What subjects? Objects? Things? People? Experiences? List the top 4.

vii. In social settings, what do you find yourself talking about most? Or wishing you could say if you were talking about the subjects that interest you the most? What topics do you find yourself lighting up about when they come up? List the top 4.

viii. If life were a magazine, what inspires you the most? What would you find yourself clipping out the most? What subjects, people, things, experiences, tips, tools? List the top 4.

ix. When you think of your longterm goals, what are they? What are you wishing for or manifesting in order to have the life that makes you happiest? List the top 4.

x. When it comes to google, what do you love to learn about most? What do you find yourself researching most? What non-fiction books, youtube videos, blogs? List the top 4.

Now look at the four elements that you listed the most. Deduce them. What is the core essence beneath them? For example, mine are: luxury (which means security, comfort and freedom), being seen (which means expression such as filming, speaking, recording), legacy (leaving meaningful and transformative work behind in the world), and self-care/spiritual practice (which means connection with source and my own body).

What are yours? Feel free to journal it all out right now until they become crystal clear.


Answer the questions below in detail and length until you are crystal clear:

i. How do the 4 elements you listed align with what you’re calling in?

ii. Do you feel deserving of those pillars? Guilt, shame, Shadow?

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter