Day 3 • Owning Our Code
Do you fully own your code or do you have shame in it?
If you’ve done my other workshops, you know that one of the key lessons I tell people is that “What we don’t own owns us.” If you’re not familiar with this, you’ll want to visit UNBLOCKED Shadow. Whatever we let have power over us has full control and blocks us from connecting with what we want. Period. Here’s the short work on owning your four authentic code elements quickly so that you can manifest with flow, more prosperity, and ease.
Some, if not all of us, hold shame, judgements, insecurities, or low worth in our authentic code. To get rid of these, you need to do the Shadow work around any judgments or fear that others may have about the things in your authentic code.
You’ll take your power back by owning everything in your Shadow regarding your authentic code. It’s the next step to taking your deservingness deeper and owning it (like a magnet).
List - at length - any and all shadows that are coming up when you even think about telling people you admire and are intimidated by your true pillars of your authentic code. List them all now.
List all of the judgements or insecurities you’re having.
Now it’s time to own these four elements in public, especially in the spaces in which the thought of owning them scares you. This might be social media for you, with peers who you deem better than you, or with people in your life that wouldn’t approve. You’d simply say with utter confidence, almost as a throwaway, what the four elements of your authentic code are. The more you own these, the more you create deservingness around them.