Day 4 • Delegate & Detox

What is cluttering space from the bigger manifestations from coming through?

Even when we’re in flow, we still need to delegate and detox anything that doesn’t align with our authentic code and deservingness. Getting rid of anything that’s no longer serving you raises your magnetism and allows you to move to the Next Level. Then, clearing space of things that aren’t directly related to your authentic elements with take that to yet another level.

It’s time to look at how you spend your time and what fills your space on a daily basis. Does your job reflect your code? If not, you need to work through Unblocked Money. What about your friendships and your romantic relationship? Do your goals reflect your code? Does the time you spend on them reflect these?

Anything that isn’t aligning with your code in your physical space, you need to create space by detoxifying it.

We’re also talking about the small, menial tasks that you don’t like doing. Whether that’s in your workplace or around the house. If you can, delegate them out so that you can clear space for what does fill you up, rather than spending your time on the things that don’t.

You also need a subconscious detox of the things that fill your subconscious through the media, social, or TV programming that doesn’t align with your authentic code. If scrolling through your social media makes you feel small and you follow accounts that don’t align with your code, take a break from the apps. Anything that contradicts, diminishes your code, or makes you feel shameful, unworthy, or undeserving, needs to go.

For the things that you really can’t let go of, you can’t rid yourself of, and you can’t delegate, you need to shift your perspective. Look more closely at how these things are giving you tools or the experience to further propel your authentic code. Then let them go as soon as you can.

The exercise below will help you take inventory of everything you interact with on a daily basis and identify the changes you need to make.


i. Reflecting on your last 7 days, make a timeline of everything you spent your time doing and anything you spent time engaging with. From the moment you woke up to the moment you went to sleep. List it all out.

ii. Now, compare this list to your authentic code, seeing what does and doesn’t align with it. For the things that don’t, you need to delegate or detox if you’re able. Any of the ones that you can’t quite delegate or detox, connect those with how they’re giving you tools that propel your authentic code.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter