I am so proud of you for putting in the work to reprogram your blocks around money and open your financial portals. It’s important to reinforce what you’ve learned here by digging deeper into any blocks that came up for you, and by reprogramming any triggers that you’re experiencing on a day-to-day basis. I’ve suggested your next steps below:


  1. Continue to revisit these exercises as triggers and emotions surrounding your self-worth come up for you.

  2. Do UNBLOCKED™ Inner Child if the money blocks that came up for you stem from childhood programming. Do UNBLOCKED™ Shadow to further reinforce and level up your self-worth surrounding the topic of money.

  3. Use the Daily Reprogramming Exercise 3x a week minimum to reinforce and reprogram triggers that come up for you on a day to day basis.

  4. Submit any questions that come up for you to our Supported manifestation class here.

QUESTIONS & COMMENTS • Because there are thousands  of you in this workshop, I won't be able to individually respond to your questions and comments. However, I encourage you all to communicate with one another and share your experiences in the comments below. Not only is this workshop about self-work, it's also an effort to create community. We encourage all experience sharing and ask you to keep feedback constructive and nurturing.


Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter