Let's tie it all together
Before we do, note that where you are is divine and exactly where you are supposed to be. Rushing never speeds up this process.
What effectively determines your financial magnetic abundance is putting one foot in front of the other. Rome wasn't built in a day. We are an "instant" society, but when it comes to energy there is no such thing as space and time. So if you want to progress and succeed, take the actions below with one foot in front of the other and one day at a time to make it happen. It will happen, for in this workshop you've consciously expanded around each of these teachings by learning them. They're integrating and they're working for you. Now you get to be the driver that takes it way further.
CHILDHOOD PROGRAMMING • If on day one you found that you had childhood programming blocking you financially, then it's imperative that you work through UNBLOCKED Inner Child (with the focus of your discoveries in here/money). If you've already done the workshop, I implore you to go back through it with the focus on money and your findings in here. Reshaping the subconscious through neuroplasticity takes time and deep work. The whole workshop is geared around this and you want to be sure to unblock all of your shame around money by deprogramming all of the patterns of belief you learned – these are blocking you.
EXPANDERS • Maybe you found that you didn't have any expanders. Or maybe that you're the expander for others. Or that you only have fragments of expanders. All of it is perfect, perfectly where you are. I encourage you to put energy and effort into finding more. Note that the moment you begin doing reprogramming subconscious work (Reparent), you will be shifting your vibration (worth), therefore expanders will naturally begin showing up in your life over time as you move up into alignment with your authenticity. Your authenticity will be in alignment with their authenticity.
I also encourage you to google search your exact circumstances, read the press on your expanders, and watch Youtube videos to learn about their backgrounds and how they accomplished what they did. Listen to podcast interviews. Inter or mentor under an expander. If you have friends that are remotely friends with someone that seems like an expander, have your friend tell you about how they got there or the stories of how they got a, b, and c. Stories of others work really well for us. Start today. Also, I advise you to call them in on your list. Simply listing off what you need. One of my first expander lists read like.
Universe, please send me a mentor that's going to show me how to evolve a business in the conscious/green/holistic space: Woman, successful, earthy, lifestyle I jive with, I relate to them deeply...
My ex's mom and Amanda Chantal Bacon showed up in my life expanding me exponentially. It took quite a few months, but they came when I was ready. Ask!
MASCULINE WORTHY ENERGY • Now that you have discovered how to step into your power, what are the baby steps that you can map out over the next six months to do so? Maybe it's to leave the job that's no longer serving you in order to jump off the cliff and manifest a new one within your heart's passion. Here is a great article on what I advise for that.
Say it's becoming self-supporting and independent of your spouse or family. I have clients do this slowly. They start taking over bill by bill and pay for their own items (groceries, grooming, etc) as they make more and more money through their expansion and the magnetism that they've created by stepping into their power. They do this until they are fully and completely financially independent.
Whatever yours might be, you can always map out baby steps over six months to make it happen. The simple energy of it is: the action you take, the more magnetism you create. The faster you do, the faster magnetism pulls in your needs (if you're expanded).
PORTALS • Maybe you don't know what your next portal will be. Maybe you don't have any clarity on your heart's passion yet. Clarity can take time! Here is an article on that. It's divine. The in-between lull you think you're in, is actually the perfect place you're supposed to be in order to pick up tools and learn lessons that will make you successful in the path when it comes.
But don't just sit around. The best way to find clarity is by following clues, or what I often refer to as pings. Here is an article on that. Pings/clues are literally your authentic divine roadmap. If you only said yes to pings you would be on your path. Every single thing I do on the blog comes from a ping. A "download" with a clue that will say, "start this new series," "do this..." I ALWAYS say yes. It takes time to do this, and trust it. But begin working that muscle now. Keep a journal of every ping you get in case you can't act on it at this moment due to money or timing. They don't go away, so you will follow it when you have the resources. But don't let them go, they are literally the universe communicating the map of your life to you, and that it's here to support you in following that map!
If you do have clarity, again, map out the next sixth months of baby steps on how you are going to open your next portal. What resources do you need? What needs to be done? What can you do RIGHT NOW? How can you ask for help? As you start, if you are doing the above, the universe will completely be there to help and support. Especially if the idea came as a strong download and it's heart-centered (not ego).
Making a map.
Right now, I want you to make a map for 2018 (essentially a list) of what YOU need to do individually. Map out the next six to twelve months based on the above. Visit the questions below and then begin creating your map. Map out month by month the steps you can take. Do it now!
PORTAL • Is the right portal open? If not, what portals are you wanting to open? How are you going to open this portal? If you don't have complete clarity, what are the clues you do know? For instance, before I got the download of a blog, I knew that my next career would be: holistic, good food, making a certain amount, white walls (weird, I know)...
EXPAND • If the right portal is open, what expanders do you need in order to open it wider (take yourself higher)? What aspects do you need to see to believe? Call these expanders in on map (list). How are your expanders marketing and growing their business? What's their business model? If you don't have clarity, then I highly suggest you apply for jobs, interning, or assisting for companies or people that embody the clues that you do know.
WORTH • Maybe you already have clarity, expansion, and the right portal open. How are you needing to step into your worth energy in order to magnetize money toward you? Maybe you don't have those things. How are you going to take baby steps to step into your worth energy over the next sixth months to a year?
REPROGRAM • And for EVERYONE that witnessed blocks, you must unblock these in order to allow any of this to come through in a bigger capacity! We project from our subconscious beliefs from 0-14. That is what we manifest.
Breathe! You've got this. I advise you to review this workshop in two weeks. Go through the entire thing again (obviously much quicker as you won't have to spread it out over days). You will learn new things that you missed the first time. You will already have made small (or for some of you - big) progress and you will understand the process even more. Then go through it again. For some, it may all be overwhelming and feel like a lot to grasp. Trust me, it's all very simple stuff. You just need to do, sit with it, then revisit in order to understand it completely.
SUPPORTED • Are you looking for additional support? Submit your questions in Supported here.